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Kobe Bryant Could Lose Millions in Divorce

Kobe Bryant Could Lose Millions in Divorce

 Posted on April 21, 2012 in Family Law

When basketball star Kobe Bryant married his wife in 2001, he was 21 years old and she was 18. Bryant was just beginning his basketball career with the Los Angeles Lakers and the two did not sign a pre-nuptial agreement. Vanessa Bryant filed for divorce in December 2011, and with no pre-nup and California’s community property laws, she stands to receive half of Bryant’s reported $150 million in assets.

The couple has two children together, for who Vanessa will most likely receive child support payments. Because the marriage lasted more than ten years, California law considers the marriage a lengthy one and she may also be entitled to spousal support as well as a portion of Bryan’s retirement savings.

The LA Times reported that the couple owns three mansions, located in Newport Beach, which have already been put in Vanessa’s name. According to property records on file, the homes have a total value of $18.8 million.

Although Vanessa Bryant cited irreconcilable differences in her petition for divorce, KTLA News reported that she filed because she believes Bryant had been unfaithful again. Rumors of Bryant’s infidelities have surfaced periodically in the press. In 2003, he was charged with sexually assaulting a hotel employee. He claimed the encounter was consensual and the charges were eventually dropped when the accuser refused to testify.

Illinois residents who are divorcing should consult with an experienced Bloomfield, Illinois divorce attorney. A top Bloomfield divorce lawyer can ensure that property and assets are divided equitably among the divorcing parties.

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