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The Leading Causes behind Divorce

 Posted on September 24, 2014 in Family Law

divorce grounds, DuPage County family law attorney, Illinois grounds for divorce, irrational behavior, irreconcilable differences, leading causes behind divorce, Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, no fault divorce, unreasonable behaviorIn a past study, findings showed that married women who had a stronger educational background than their husbands would be more likely to experience divorce. The statistics were based largely on the gendered stereotypes, which in the past led to marital unrest where traditional gender roles were being tossed aside. However, a new study published in July 2014 suggests that the previous research may be the exception and not the rule.

The study suggests that due to the increase in the egalitarian nature of male and female relationships, educational disparities are no longer associated with a higher possibility of dissolution. The study also finds that couples who have similar educational backgrounds are now more likely to succeed then they were in the past. The numbers found in current demographics suggest that women serving as breadwinners and with the same educational background (or higher) than their spouses has become the new normal. A Pew Research Center study estimates that four out of 10 households has women as the chief moneymakers. Therefore, the question now asked is, what are the factors that lead to divorce these days?

Irrational Behavior Leads to More Divorces than Adultery

One factor analyzed in a study republished by The Guardian found that irrational or bad behavior had a greater impact on the stability of a marriage than did adultery. In the past, infidelity was considered to be most likely the reason for the dissolution of a marriage. Unreasonable or irrational behavior, these days, is the reason given to most divorce attorneys for the split.

Examples of unreasonable or irrational behavior may include:

  • One anti-social partner makes the more social partner feel guilty for wanting to participate in social events;

  • Cross-dressing or sex changes of one of the spouses; and/or

  • Irrational spending of the family’s finances.

 Grounds for Divorce in Illinois

In Illinois, spouses who are interested in getting a divorce may choose to file for a fault or a no-fault divorce. No-fault divorce permits the couple to file for a divorce based on irreconcilable differences and is more likely to make the divorce more amicable, since fault is not being placed on either party. Fault divorce may include such grounds as:

  • Impotency at the time of or during the marriage;

  • Bigamy;

  • Adultery during the marriage;

  • Abandonment of one spouse by another for the duration of one year;

  • The addiction and overuse of alcohol or drugs for two years;

  • Attempted murder by one spouse to another;

  • Extreme mental or physical cruelty;

  • The transmission of one to the other of a sexually transmitted disease; and

  • Incarceration for a felony.

Proving Elements of Fault 

If you are interested in applying for a fault divorce based on one of the many grounds available, then it will be helpful to collect the following requisite proof to state your claim:

  • Proof of any event of mental or physical cruelty through the use of medical records or medical history;

  • Proof of addiction or abuse of alcohol or drugs, through medical records, jail time associated with drugs or alcohol, or affidavits from others who could attest to the drug or alcohol abuse; or

  • Photographs or other incriminating evidence of your spouse’s affair and/or an affidavit attesting to the affair by the spouse or the “other” person.

Family Law Advocates during Divorce Proceedings

If you are considering a divorce and are not sure what the procedure is and whether you would like to file for a no-fault or fault divorce, it is important to speak with an experienced DuPage County family law attorney. The experienced attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices will provide you with legal guidance and counsel through this difficult time and help you assess whether a divorce is right for you and your spouse.

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