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Lesser Known Safe Driving Tips for Teens

 Posted on August 15, 2014 in Personal Injury

According to a recent article, two men from Naperville are about to publish a book for teen drivers. While teens are sure to get their fill of safe driving tips from parents, teachers, and driving instructors when preparing to get their license, the book focuses more on unwritten rules of the road; a topic about which many teens may not be as familiar.

What Teenage Drivers Do Not Know

The book is composed of tips for teens about various topics, such as driving in poor conditions, parking, maintaining a vehicle, and dealing with the unexpected. It even contains information about the court system should they find themselves there. The authors' goal was to teach teen drivers the things they may not be taught in driver's ed class, and to focus on sharing information they personally gained through years of experience.

Not only does the book reportedly go into more detailed information than the instruction teens would receive in driver's ed, but it shares "not-so-common-knowledge" about safe driving and about situations that drivers may not encounter every day.

Ten Safe Driving Tips

A sampling of ten of the tips that can be found in the book are as follows:

  • Do not drive in the way of a car that needs significant bodywork;

  • If the hood comes up when on the road, view the road through the crack between the hood and the car or outside the window;

  • If operating the car at night, look not only for brake lights on the car in front of you but for a red glow beneath it, which signals that the car in front of them is slowing or coming to a stop;

  • Never solely rely on GPS, but carry city and state maps;

  • When turning left, line up your car nearer to the outside line of the lane you are turning into. This will help you avoid any vehicle that has pulled too far up or blocked your path;

  • Look under cars in parking lots for people's legs and feet that will walk out from the parked car;

  • Texting and driving is as dangerous and drinking and driving;

  • If your brakes have water on them, drive slowly in a low gear and apply them to dry them off;

  • Speeding down a curved ramp may cause you to flip your car; gradually increasing speed instead will give you a better grip; and

  • Set up a separate listing for phone numbers in your phone labeled "ICE," or "in case of emergency" so police know how to reach relatives in case of an accident.

Illinois Accident Injury Attorney

If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident due to another driver's irresponsibility and negligence, contact the compassionate DuPage County car accident attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices to protect your rights. We also serve clients in Cook, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Kendall, and Will counties.
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