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Local Community Increasing Road Safety Efforts

 Posted on August 27, 2015 in Personal Injury

road-safety-efforts.jpgWhile there have been a recent number of media reports regarding the perceived increased traffic safety and decreased fatalities associated with car accidents in different scenarios involving teen drivers, bike riders, or pedestrians, crashes still happen. It is the opinion of many experts that safety efforts, when it comes to driving and obeying traffic laws, should continue until the number of avoidable accidents reaches zero. Whether or not that is a realistic goal, it is certainly a noble one and an effort that many can support since virtually every member of the public can potentially benefit from increased road safety.

Local Efforts

Communities around the Chicago area seem to consistently look at traffic issues in an effort to decrease dangerous conditions on roadways. According to a recently published news article, the local community of Naperville is planning to increase road safety efforts over the course of the next year. The community is able to do so thanks to a received grant aimed at conducting roadside safety checkpoints every week for the next 12 months. Currently, law enforcement in Naperville reports that it plans on conducting at least one roadside safety check per month.

The grant came from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and provides for officers working the roadside safety checks to be compensated for overtime work in order to enable them to target drunk drivers and others who violate traffic laws. Infractions that they will focus on include seat belt, child safety seat, cell phone, and insurance violations. Other driving violations will also be ticketed, but the main focus is expected to be on alcohol enforcement, which is directly linked to the grant for which the community applied.

The grant, known as the Local Alcohol Program Enforcement Grant, provides for police departments to purchase or replace equipment used in the context of the safety checkpoints. The terms of the grant allow for up to two checkpoints to be done at any time on any weekend. The Naperville police are expecting to concentrate on the hours between 9:00 p.m. Friday night and 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning when operating roadside safety checks. This time was chosen as it correlates to the majority of alcohol-related accidents. Checkpoint locations are expected to include areas where there is increased traffic volume and places where the most DUI-related accidents have been reported.

Accident Injury Attorney

If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident where drunk driving was a factor, do not hesitate to contact the experienced Illinois car accident attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today to schedule a consultation and discuss your potential personal injury claim. We have offices located throughout the Chicago area, and we have served clients in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Kendall and Will County.

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