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Long Grove Man Killed in Multi-Car Accident

 Posted on November 02, 2012 in Personal Injury

The Jane Adamms Memorial Tollway was the site of a five car accident that resulted in one fatality. The accident occurred on I-90 near the Arlington Heights exit, in the eastbound lanes, at approximately 9:00 a.m. According to an article in the Arlington Patch, Michael Raymond, 60, of Long Grove, was driving his car in the eastbound lane when a box truck struck his vehicle from behind. That impact caused a chain reaction, involving three other cars. Witnesses on the scene report cars scattered throughout the lanes and one blue compact car with very heavy damage. There was some extrication which was necessary at the crash scene and a portable Hurst tool spreader/cutter was used. Four ambulances were called for victim transport. Raymond was taken to Alexian Brothers Medical Center in Elk Grove Village, where he was pronounced dead. Two other people were also transported to area hospitals. Emergency responders from the Arlington Heights, Elk Grove,Elk Grove Township and Rolling Meadows fire departments were on the scene. State Trooper Michelle Kistulinec reported that the driver of the box truck was cited with improper lane usage and failure to reduce speed. Lanes were closed on the interstate to allow the state police to investigate the crash. All lanes were finally opened by2:00 p.m. The careless driving of a truck driver has left a man dead, as well as other injured victims. If you have sustained injuries in an accident caused by a careless driver, you need to consult with an experienced DuPage County personal injury attorney to find out what kind of compensation you may be entitled to.
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