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Mauling by Ferocious Dogs

 Posted on March 30, 2017 in Personal Injury

ferocious-dogs-DuPage-County.jpgMillions of households across the United States enjoy the affection and company of a beloved family pet. Many families consider them as an extension of their family, just like another child in the house. Pets are given all the creature comforts making them a familiar domestic presence throughout neighborhoods.

The downside to dog ownership is when they attack. A dog that bites someone, often a young person, can unleash a series of horrific injuries—if not death. About 4.5 million dog bites occur each year and a mauling by a dog can inflict serious injuries to a victim. The reassuring news is, however, that a dog owner can be held responsible for the harm sustained.

A personal injury attorney can represent you in seeking compensation for your injuries and the ensuing pain and suffering. Do not suffer in silence when you can potentially recover for the negligent actions of an owner of an aggressive dog.

Attack Triggers

Generally, primal instinct is the trigger of a mauling by a dog. If a dog feels threatened or under attack, then it will lash out. This behavior seems logical in response to those circumstances. However, a dog’s aggression may come as a result of more than simply a threat. Hence, there are other reasons why a dog may lash out.

Typical scenarios can include:

  • A dog that is sick or has a medical condition;
  • Breeds that are predisposed to aggressive behaviors;
  • Territorial, protective, or predatory aggression; and
  • Social, learned or aggression from frustration.

The behaviors that play out due to these types of stimulants can include barking, growling, lunging, snapping, and biting. Once a dog chomps down on a human, it can begin a frenzied mauling which can induce deep tissue wounds, gaping chunks of flesh snapped out, and skin peeled away from bone. This is usually no match for the youngest of victims who barely stand a chance to survive a ferocious attack. Even diseases can be transmitted through an attack presenting another layer to the medical treatment that is needed to help the injured.

The Law and Retaining a Knowledgeable Attorney

Illinois’ Animal Control Act squarely pins liability on dog owners if their dogs attack people going about their usual business—in other words, in the absence of provocation. The dog owner may be held liable for civil damages for the full amount of the injury incurred by the victim.

Seeking the assistance of a skilled DuPage County dog bite attorney is crucial so all aspects of the relevant legal provisions are applied in your case. It is important that you have vigorous representation of your suffering so the court understands the real impact a dog bite has had on you or your loved one. Contact the attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today.

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