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The Mental Anguish Resulting From a Dog Attack

 Posted on October 18, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County dog bite attorney, dog attackAlthough dogs are seen as four-legged, happy companions to millions of families around the country, the beloved Fido can also be a feared enemy.

Dog bites occur every 75 seconds in the United States. Each day, over 1,000 citizens require emergency medical care to treat these injuries. Moreover, children are often the ones who suffer the most horrific injuries from dog attacks, including mauling which tears at the skin and can disfigure a little body for life. The emotional scarring runs deep and can involve lasting effects.

Fear and Apprehension

When bitten by a dog, both physical injury and mental anguish or emotional distress may occur. Therefore, it is possible for other manifestations to result and include the following:

  • A fear of dogs in general;
  • Stress and anxiety when thinking back to the event;
  • Nightmares and/or insomnia;
  • Apprehension about the outdoors and potential encounters; and
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Dog Attacks and Liability

In Illinois, dog bites are a strict liability matter. Owners or custodians of dogs that bite are liable for the acts from which any injuries result. The Animal Control Act outlines the legal responsibilities for dog owners and the liability they incur, if their dogs attack. The Act states that if a dog, without being provoked, “attempts to attack, or injures any person who is peaceably conducting himself or herself in any place where he or she may lawfully be” then the owner is therefore liable in civil damages “for the full amount of the injury proximately caused thereby.”

An individual who wishes to initiate a claim under the Animal Contract Act and seek compensation must prove the following:

  • The injury was caused by the defendant’s dog;
  • The dog was not provoked;
  • The injured individual was engaged in peaceable conduct; and
  • The injured individual was in a place where he or she lawfully had the right to be.

Compassionate Legal Counsel

If you or your child was injured in a dog attack, the long lasting effects and anxiety can linger for as long as the physical scars do. Therefore, it is important that you speak with an experienced DuPage County dog bite attorney who can assess your case and your options, and work to get you the compensation you deserve. Contact the attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today. Call 630-932-9100.





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