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Mentally Impaired Woman Permanently Injured After Falling From High Rise

 Posted on November 17, 2012 in Personal Injury

A federal judge will be acting as a mediator for a lawsuit by a disabled woman who fell from a high-rise window, in her opinion, because the police released her in a neighborhood with high crime rates. U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall made the decision after the woman's lawyers objected to a mediator whose schedule was full until the end of the year. The chtribune reported a story on the long-running case. The injured woman, Christina Eilman's, lawyers said the did not want to commit to a process that could delay a trial past the current set date of January 14. The lawyers have said city lawyers have been trying to delay the case for more than two years. The accident took place in 2006, when Eilman had a bipolar breakdown at Midway Airport and got arrested because of her behavior. Police supervisors rejected department protocol about getting mentally ill arrestees evaluated at a hospital, and Eilman was sent to a lockup several miles away. After her release, she abducted and assaulted in a high-rise where the accident happened. Eilman fell from a seventh-floor window and now suffers from a traumatic brain injury. Eilman's family has asked for up to $100 million to care for their 27-year-old daughter. Eilman, despite her injuries, might live a normal life span, but she is permanently disabled and needs constant care and therapy. If you or a loved get seriously injured on someone else's accord, be sure to act fast and contact a skilled Illinois personal injury attorney. An experienced personal injury attorney can tell you whether you have case to pursue, and they can get you a better outcome if there is case. Get the help you are looking for, and contact our offices today.
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