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Money Problems in Marriage Often Translate to a Contentious Divorce

 Posted on May 20, 2017 in Family Law

Illinois divorce attorneysWhile it is no secret that money problems are a major contributor to the divorce rate, few couples recognize that such issues can also complicate the divorce process. Debt and arguments about debt allocation, which often accompany monetarily complex cases, can also contribute to contention. Learn more about protecting your assets and reducing tension in your divorce with help from the following information.

Understanding the Correlation Between Money and Divorce

Many issues can lead to divorce, but research indicates that early arguments over money are the biggest predictor. Part of this is due to the intensity and duration of the fights that typically occur, but experts believe there are other underlying factors. For example, some relationship experts believe that money issues are an indicator of deeper problems, such as trust issues and power in the relationship.

Deeply held beliefs about money and how it should be used, which are usually formed when one is young, may be another reason why money has such a significant impact on the rate of divorce. If spouses experience a major conflict in their beliefs (i.e. one believes money should be used to establish status and the other believes it should be used to help their community), they may frequently argue over how money is spent. Over time, frustration can mount, and the arguments may become catastrophic, perhaps even to the point that couples say things they later regret.

How Money Problems in Marriage Affect Divorce

Long-standing arguments about money can easily find their way into divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, that can add a contentious element to the divorce, and it may also increase the time and money that must be spent on resolving the money-related matters of the case. If this is an issue in your divorce, it is important to remember a few key things:

  • More time arguing often equals more hours billed with your attorney;
  • Inability to resolve arguments in the divorce can result in court proceedings, which add another layer of cost to the divorce; and
  • Compromise is often the answer to resolving money problems.

Contact Our Experienced DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

If money arguments were prevalent in your marriage, do not wait until things become contentious to take preventative action. Instead, contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices and obtain the experienced assistance you need now. Our DuPage County divorce lawyers can examine your situation, advise you of your options, and assist you in determining which may be most reasonable and beneficial for you. Schedule your free consultation by calling 630-932-9100.

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