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Traffic Experts Rank Most Dangerous Intersections

 Posted on November 17, 2014 in Personal Injury

When traveling on roadways in any part of the country there is always a risk of being involved in a car accident. However, it can also be said that certain behaviors and conditions can significantly increase a driver's risk of being involved in a collision, while still others can reduce such a risk. Many agencies and organizations focus on traffic safety and promote safe driving. According to a recently published news article, a transportation advocacy group in the state of Illinois ranked the most dangerous intersections in the Chicago area.

Dangerous Intersections

The Active Transportation Alliance made a list of the 20 most dangerous intersections in the Chicago metro area recently. The group promotes bicycling as well as other modes of alternative transportation in the Chicago area. In order to rank the intersections included in the list, the Alliance analyzed crash data, staff feedback, and public input in order to come up with the results.

One of the most dangerous intersections making the list was reported to be the junction of Harlem and Madison. It is located at the northwest corner of Oak Park Hospital's medical campus, and also encompasses both Forest Park and Oak Park. This particular intersection has been the scene of 10 car accidents involving either pedestrians or bicycle riders between 2006 and 2012. This data comes from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).

Contributing Factors

The Alliance's executive director reportedly lives in that area, and expressed concern that the area of Madison Street is dangerous through the area of Oak Park, particularly for walkers and bikers, and it is not limited merely to the intersection at Harlem. Not only does the street's four lanes of traffic make crossing the street difficult for pedestrians, but the lack of lanes specifically designated for drivers making left-hand turns contributes to the street's high rate of car accidents. IDOT data from a few years ago revealed that the area had accidents occur approximately every two out of three days.

Making it Safer

In light of the new report and information, many are calling on the city to now take steps to make the intersection safer for drivers, walkers, and bike riders. The study referenced above was actually completed as part of the Active Transportation Alliance's Safe Crossings campaign and was made public with the goal that areas experiencing transit issues would benefit from increased funding, improved street designs, and more enforcement at those points identified as dangerous in the community. The Alliance has been an integral part of making streets safer in the past, and is expected to play a role in making this intersection safer as well, considering it is something the community has supposedly been aiming to do anyway for the last several years.

Accident Injury Attorney

If you or someone you know was injured in an accident due to someone else's negligence, do not hesitate to reach out to a personal injury attorney in order to determine whether you have a claim. The DuPage County car accident attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices have years of experience representing clients in car accident cases. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We have offices located in Naperville and in multiple surrounding areas.

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