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Online Infidelity and Divorce

 Posted on March 28, 2014 in Family Law

online infidelity, grounds for divorce, DuPage divorce lawyers, cheating spouse, social media, online dating, adultery, having an affair, online affair, The Changing Face of Infidelity

The Internet and the advent of social media have brought about change in how we interact with people. We often spend more time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or surfing the Web than socializing face-to-face. And with this change, online dating websites have become a popular way for people to meet. However, these sites have also become a way for people to cheat and engage in online infidelity, leading to grounds for divorce.

Online Dating While Married

While the Internet has improved our lives by making things faster, easier, and more accessible, it has also made it exponentially easier to have an affair. The Internet provides ample opportunities and discretion for a cheating spouse. This convenience has resulted in an alarming trend of people who use dating websites to engage in online infidelity.

Many of these online dating websites, such as Match.com or eHarmony, are geared towards single people. But, all too often, they are abused by unfaithful spouses who create fake profiles and pretend to be single. Other websites are set up specifically and blatantly for people who are looking to cheat. One of the best known sites Ashley Madison, proudly states, “Life is short. Have an affair.”

If a spouse cheats and the affair is discovered, it can have devastating consequences on the marriage. While some couples are able to work through the infidelity with counseling or other methods, others decide that divorce is the best option. Whatever decision is made, infidelity creates a difficult future for the couple.

Grounds for Divorce in Illinois

When a couple decides to divorce in the state of Illinois, under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, there are several grounds for the divorce. Illinois is a state that provides both “no-fault” and “fault” grounds. Under current Illinois law, either spouse may file for divorce, regardless of whether one was at fault.


Adultery is one of the most common fault grounds for divorce. Proof of adultery is essential in making this claim. Proof can come in many forms, such as eyewitness testimony, photographic evidence, or through evidence gathered from the Internet or social media. Emails, chat logs, and other online messages are being subpoenaed regularly as evidence of adultery in divorce proceedings, thus making it easier to prove infidelity by the created paper trail.

Know Your Rights

Deciding to separate or file for divorce can be a very scary and painful process. The attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices are compassionate about your circumstances and understand what it will take to help you get back on your feet after a devastating marital dissolution. Do not hesitate to contact our DuPage County, Illinois, divorce lawyers at 630-932-9100 for a free consultation today.

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