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What Is Parallel Parenting?

 Posted on February 07, 2018 in Family Law

Illinois divorce lawyerSometimes, a divorce ends on bad terms and parents are not able to co-parent effectively. Even therapy, mediation, and positive thoughts cannot make it possible for them to work together and raise their children. If you have gone through a high conflict divorce and believe co-parenting will not work for you, you should consider parallel parenting. Let’s take a closer look at what parallel parenting is and how it works.

Parallel Parenting Defined

When divorced parents choose the parallel parenting method, they recognize that they both love their children but contacting one another can do more harm than good. Parallel parenting can help avoid conflict and ensure that children still have a meaningful relationship with both parents.

How to Practice Parallel Parenting

The goal of parallel parenting is to limit contact with your ex-spouse while still providing your children with the love and care they need to live a high quality of life. Here are some tips on how to practice parallel parenting:

Consider Working with a Third Party

When you are trying to figure out your parallel parenting plan, a third party therapist or mediator can be helpful. With a neutral and experienced professional, you can keep things in perspective and ensure your long-term goals and priorities are taken into consideration. A third-party professional may even make recommendations that you may have not considered.

Keep Communication to a Minimum

Since communicating with your ex will likely put you in a bad mood and create a hostile situation, you should avoid doing so as much as possible. If you do need to communicate with them, text or email them rather than calling. These methods of communication can give you the chance to choose when and how you respond.

Implement a Parenting Notebook

Implementing a parenting notebook is a particularly good idea if your child is young. The notebook can be passed back and forth between parents and contain notes that can help you and your ex stay informed on mood or behavioral changes.

Avoid Attending Child-Related Events Together

You should avoid attending child-related events with your ex-spouse. It is a good idea to take turns attending school concerts and sporting events so that you do not overlap with one another but can both support your child.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Attorneys

If you are wondering whether parallel parenting is right for you or need legal assistance in your divorce case, you should contact our DuPage County divorce attorneys at 630-932-9100. We will provide you with valuable legal advice and make sure your rights are protected.




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