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Parenting Advice to Help Children Adjust After Divorce

 Posted on May 31, 2018 in Family Law

Illinois divorce lawyerIf you have recently divorced, you are likely wondering how your job as a parent must change. Fortunately, it does not have to change. Instead, you will need to focus on how to make the divorce an easier transition for your children and try to work together with your children’s other parent to provide your children with the high quality of life they deserve. Here are some valuable tips that can help your children adjust to divorce.

1. Ensure Consistency

As your children travel back and forth between two homes, it is crucial for them to understand exactly what your expectations are. Make sure you and your ex-spouse take the time to create a unified set of rules. Their bedtime should be the same time at your home as it is at the other parent’s house. By ensuring consistency, your children will strive to meet your expectations.

2. Do Not Speak Poorly About the Other Parent

It may be tempting to speak poorly about your children’s other parent to your children. However, doing so can make your children feel uncomfortable and obligated to choose a side. Since their other parent is likely someone they love and admire, refrain from making critical remarks about them in front of your children.

3. Resist the Urge to Pry

You may want to ask your children questions about your ex so that you can find out what they are doing in their spare time, who they are dating, and anything else you are curious about. By asking your children questions about their other parent, you turn them into a spy rather than helping them feel safe and loved.

4. Consider Therapy

Working with a family therapist who is well-versed in divorce is a wise decision. They can provide you with guidance on what to do when the going gets tough. You should also consider signing your children up for therapy sessions as they may be hesitant to express their feelings because they do not want to hurt you or their other parent.

5. Clarify How Things Will Work

Make it clear to your children that both of their parents still love them and will continue to be in their lives. Explain to them what they can expect going forward. For example, tell them they will be living with mommy but spending time with daddy every Thursday and Sunday.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

For more information on how to make life easier for your children after divorce, you should contact our experienced DuPage County divorce lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We can provide you with additional strategies that can make a positive difference in your children’s lives.



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