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Pedestrian - Car Accidents

 Posted on May 12, 2013 in Personal Injury

Car accidents, in general, are a scary experience, but especially if the accident involves a pedestrian. Each year, there is an increase in the amount of pedestrians who are killed or injured in a car crash. Depending on the situation either the driver, pedestrian or both can be at fault for the accident. The majority of pedestrian accidents are caused by unsafe pedestrian actions rather than motor vehicles. Jaywalking has been one of the major causes for pedestrian accidents. "Jaywalking," is when a pedestrian crosses the street in any illegal way. This can include:
  • crossing the street against the light,
  • crossing when there is no crosswalk, and
  • walking on the street.
Even though there is a strong connection between jaywalking and pedestrian car accidents, jaywalking enforcement is a low priority for police. Therefore, violators believe that there is a low chance of getting caught, so jaywalking continues to occur. As a driver, there are a few factors that you should be aware of when driving in a crowded area. First of all, be aware of the people surrounding your car. Pay attention to how people are crossing the street, especially if you are in a city. Next, be aware of the weather. If it is raining or snowing, it is important to be conscious of your environment since your vision will be blurred. Don't be on your cell phone or multi-task when driving. Be sure that all of your attention is on the road. If you are by a school, drive slowly. Children may run out into the street without realizing a car is coming. Lastly, if you are ever in a pedestrian car accident, don't panic. First, you need to be sure that the victim is okay, and then call the police immediately. After you've called the police, call a lawyer. Contact an experienced Illinois Car Accident Attorney.
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