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Pedestrian Deaths Continue to Rise on the Roads

 Posted on April 13, 2015 in Personal Injury

Pedestrians are one of the few commuter groups to face an increase in deaths over the past few years, as found by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Despite efforts to improve safety, pedestrian traffic accident deaths have been increasing. In fact, there was a 6 percent increase in deaths from 2011 to 2012 alone. In 2013, 66,000 pedestrians were injured in traffic accidents and 4,735 pedestrians were killed. Not only is this a high number of fatalities, but also in 4,653 of these crashes, more than one pedestrian was killed. The NHTSA also found that across the country, on average, a pedestrian was killed every two hours and hurt every eight minutes. Unfortunately, pedestrian deaths account for 14 percent of all deaths in motor vehicle accidents. Pedestrians and Associated Risks As expected, pedestrians are often the ones who suffer the most in accidents involving impaired drivers. Forty-nine percent of fatal pedestrian accidents involved alcohol-impaired drivers or pedestrians. Pedestrians are also at a higher risk of dying in an accident between 6 p.m. and 8:59 p.m. Furthermore, already high-risk groups, such as young males and children, are also at a high risk of being killed in a pedestrian accident. For example, over two-thirds of pedestrians who died in a traffic accident were males and over 20 percent were children. To help combat the increasing number of pedestrian deaths, the U.S. Department of Transportation unveiled a new campaign to help communities combat the growing danger. In addition to providing a total of $2 million in pedestrian safety grants to cities with high rates of pedestrian deaths, the Federal Highway Safety Administration also created a one-stop shop for communities to access safety tips, resources, and programs focused on pedestrian safety. The site also includes proven safety countermeasures, child pedestrian safety reports, and curricula targeting parents, schools, children, and safety officials. Seek Help After an Accident The recent death of a Naperville man who was killed after being struck at the intersection of Western and Hickory is a reminder that pedestrian injuries and deaths will continue to be a danger as long as cities and towns focus on making transportation routes primarily motor-vehicle friendly. As public education on pedestrian safety increases, hopefully the number of pedestrian deaths will decrease. In the meantime, if you or a loved one is injured or killed in a traffic accident, please contact an experienced DuPage County personal injury attorney. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we can analyze the facts and help you receive the maximum amount of recovery for your injuries, pain and suffering, and medical costs. Please contact us today.
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