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Personal Injury Claims For Illinois Car Accidents in the Rain

 Posted on June 28, 2021 in Personal Injury

dupage county car accident lawyerOver the past couple of weeks, DuPage County has experienced several instances of severe weather, including thunderstorms, a tornado, and heavy rainfall with possible flash flooding. These dangerous weather conditions can not only cause damage directly, they can also indirectly lead to damage in a motor vehicle accident. If you have been injured in a car accident in wet or rainy conditions, you should determine whether a personal injury claim is possible.

Driving Hazards in Rainy Conditions

According to a recent study, even light rainfall contributes to the increased likelihood of a fatal car accident. Heavy rainfall can be even more dangerous, creating the following conditions that can lead to accidents involving death or serious injuries:

  • Decreased visibility - A torrential downpour can greatly reduce the distance a driver can see in all directions, making it more difficult to notice and respond to accident hazards.

  • Roadway flooding - During heavy rainfall, water can pool on road surfaces and create hydroplaning hazards that may cause a driver to lose control and spin out. In severe flood conditions, water may flow across the road and carry vehicles in its path.

  • Downed limbs - Rain storms accompanied by lightning and high wind speeds can cause damage to trees and structures near roadways, potentially causing debris to obstruct a driver’s path.

  • Slick road surfaces - Even after it has stopped raining, road surfaces may remain wet and slippery for quite some time, meaning drivers will have less traction.

Recognizing Driver Negligence

If weather conditions cause you to lose control of your own vehicle and you suffer injuries in a single-vehicle accident, your best options for compensation may be through your own auto and health insurance coverage. However, another driver may be considered negligent in a multi-vehicle crash even if the weather was a factor. Drivers are responsible for operating their vehicles safely for the conditions at hand. This may mean reducing their speed, leaving more space between vehicles, and ensuring that their tires, brakes, lights, and windshield wipers are working order.

If you can demonstrate that the other driver could have reasonably prevented or avoided the accident in which you were injured, you can file a personal injury claim to pursue compensation for your damages. An attorney can help you gather evidence and build an argument to improve your chances of success in settlement negotiations or a trial. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you could be entitled to damages for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

Contact a DuPage County Personal Injury Attorney

While rainy conditions may complicate a personal injury case, they do not automatically absolve a driver of negligence or prevent you from recovering compensation. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we will review your case to help you understand your options. For a free consultation with our experienced Lombard car accident lawyers, call 630-932-9100 today.

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