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Planning a Road Trip? Plan a Safe Arrival

 Posted on August 01, 2017 in Personal Injury

DuPage County personal injury attorney, car accident, safe road trip, car safety, car accident injuriesSummer is the perfect time to take an extended vacation, and traveling families often utilize their own vehicles so they can stop to see sights along the way. However, road trips pose their own unique set of dangers. Consider the following tips to increase the likelihood that you arrive at your destination without becoming the victim of a car accident.

Perform Appropriate Maintenance on Your Vehicle Before Departure

It is imperative to perform routine maintenance on your vehicle throughout the year to avoid excess dangers. However, many procrastinate on this necessary precaution. At the very least, before any long road trip, a thorough checkup is in order.

Those who fail to maintain their vehicles not only put the lives of their passengers in danger, but also other drivers on the road. For instance, a blown tire can cause loss of control at high speeds which can result in fatalities.

Proper car safety precautions include the following:

  • Reading the vehicle owner’s manual to ensure you are up to date on inspections and maintenance;
  • Bringing along a roadside emergency kit;
  • Checking all fluids within the vehicle;
  • Replacing windshield wipers;
  • Verifying brakes and tires are in proper condition; and
  • Inspecting all interior and exterior bulbs.

Research Your Route and the Weather

Technology has brought us far in life and advancements continue to be made. However, relying on technology while on the road is not always the best idea. It is important to research your route before you leave your home, so you have an idea when you will be transitioning from one highway to another. If, for some reason, you lose signal or battery power, have a paper copy of an atlas in your vehicle for backup.

Plan pit stops along the way for stretching your legs, bathroom breaks, and eating. Consider where you will stay for the evening and perhaps make a hotel reservation ahead of time, if possible. Also, allow additional time for unexpected delays, such as traffic jams and window shopping, to help reduce the stress which accompanies being late.

Finally, look at weather systems and patterns, not just where you are now and where are vacationing but also along the route. If there is a dangerous storm system covering one route, consider another option.

Be Prepared After an Accident

Immediately following an accident, the thoughts of a vacation may seemingly fly out the window as safety and the long term damages are much more important. If you or one of your passengers sustains injuries from a car accident this summer, hospital visits, follow-up appointments, and repair costs may begin to accumulate. Moreover, if injuries were caused due to the negligence of another driver, that driver should be held accountable.

If you would like to discuss your case with a proven DuPage County, IL personal injury attorney, contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We offer a free and confidential initial consultation. Call 630-932-9100 today.

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