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Political Views and Marriage

 Posted on November 05, 2012 in Family Law

marriage family law imageYou often hear about a variety of things being the cause for marital problems or divorce, and what follows is another view on the matter. In the hottest hours of the presidential election, political views are on the surface among friends, coworkers, and especially family. A blogger touched the issue on a post in Huffington Post Divorce.

According to the blog, a Match.com poll found that 57 percent would marry a person whose political views differ considerably from theirs. Different views are clearly not stopping people from getting married, but they could be causing friction when people are already married.

Right now presidential candidates Romney and Obama are side by side, with only moments to the final showdown. Even if spouses' political views are not on the table most of the time, a situation like this can cause a lot of disputes. When the stakes run high, so do emotions, and this can lead to an argument with serious consequences.

A strong political view or having problems with who is running the country for the next four years can easily be enough of an issue to eventually become an ”irreconcilable difference.” Four years is a long time for an ongoing argument over something, and most people prefer to get out of a situation like that.

Whether you are planning to file for divorce or have already done so, you need a dedicated divorce attorney on your side. Getting an experienced divorce attorney to help you can make divorce proceedings easier and faster. Contact one of our Illinois offices.

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