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Preparing for the Naturalization Test

 Posted on May 17, 2024 in Immigration

IL immigration lawyerPeople who are preparing to take the naturalization test required to become a U.S. citizen are often very anxious about passing. It is quite normal to feel worried, as this is likely the most high-stakes exam you will ever take. Students are often very anxious about taking tests that come with far less serious repercussions should they fail. While the naturalization test may not be easy, it is designed so that most people who make an effort to study will be able to pass. There are classes you can take to help you prepare, or you can study independently using an online guide published by the federal government. A Lombard, IL immigration lawyer can help you determine whether you are ready to take the test.

How Many Questions Are on the Naturalization Test? 

On test day, you will only have to answer ten total questions. You must get six of the answers right in order to pass. There are 100 possible questions you could be asked. It is best to study all 100 questions and answers you might need to know so that you are well-prepared.

Do The Answers to the 100 Questions Ever Change? 

While studying, it is important to know that the answers to some of the questions might change after an election or when a new person is appointed to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States or in the president’s administration. Make sure that you are aware of any elections and appointments that happen between the time you start studying and the time you take the test.

What Kinds of Questions Are on The Test? 

The questions on the naturalization test cover basic knowledge about the United States Government and how it works, who our political leaders are, and some of America’s history and geography. The categories of questions you might be asked include:

  • American Government - Principles of democracy questions check your understanding of the Constitution. System of government questions ask about how our government works and who our political leaders are. Rights and responsibilities questions cover what rights and duties a citizen has and what promises you make when you become a citizen. 
  • American History - This section covers major events that took place when the U.S. was formed and later during major historical events, like the Civil War and more recent conflicts. 
  • Integrated civics - These questions cover a lot of information, including geography, important patriotic symbols, and our national holidays.

Contact a Lombard, IL Naturalization Attorney

Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices is committed to helping people become U.S. citizens. Our experienced DuPage County, IL citizenship lawyers speak several languages, including Urdu, Spanish, and Polish. Contact us at 630-932-9100 for a complimentary consultation.

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