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Priest Mysteriously Appears at Site of Car Accident

 Posted on August 31, 2013 in Personal Injury

According to a recent article, Illinois rescue workers are still trying to figure out the identity of a priest who mysteriously appeared at the site of a bleak-looking car crash. Katie Lentz, 19, was trapped inside a smashed car as workers used every method they could think of to free her when the priest appeared. Ralls County Sheriff's Deputy Richard Adair said, "The fire chief, Raymond Reed, had stepped back and came up to me and said he was concerned because he was out of options. His tools were not working and by that time, it had been almost an hour and he said 'I don't know how we're going to get her out'. I said, 'Raymond, I promised her mother and her that we'd get her out. We have to get her out' and he said 'I know', and went back." After this exchange, Katie had reportedly asked everybody present to pray with her. This is when nobody noticed a priest walking up to the scene from the north part of the highway. The road had been blocked for a couple miles in each direction and responders were required not to let people past the road blocks. Nobody knows how the priest got to the scene without anybody noticing. The priest requested to anoint the girl in the car. After some hesitation, officials agreed to let him enter the scene. According to witnesses, he anointed Katie and her rescuers and prayed with them. Soon after, the Hannibal fire department miraculously arrived with new equipment that was used to free Katie from the vehicle. Once she was loaded into an Air Evac helicopter, the priest was nowhere to be found. 80 pictures were reportedly taken at the scene of the accident, and the priest did not appear in a single shot. Katie Lentz had to undergo various surgeries after being rushed to the hospital. She is now in serious condition. If you or somebody you know has been injured in a car accident due to the neglect of another driver, be sure to contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices to assist you.
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