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Procreation Condition Placed on Dead Beat Dad

 Posted on January 22, 2013 in Family Law

father son 86488427According to the Duluth News Tribune, John Butler has more than his fair share of appearances in front of a judge. Although only 28 years old, has a very long history of cases in the court. He has been convicted in cases including drug offenses, domestic violence and several drinking and driving offenses.

His court meeting in front of Judge Eugene Harrington was of a different sort. He pled no contest to a felony failure to pay his ordered child support for more than four months. This offense was committed in 2011. He was recently sentenced to two years probation with several stiff stipulations. One of the stipulations that was placed on Butler was that within three minutes of making acquaintance with a female he must divulge to her not only that he is a convicted felon but also that he is in arrears with his child support. He is also ordered not to conceive any more children until he has paid all of his back child support. He also has several other standard conditions of his probation to follow such as remaining employed full time, keeping up with his child support payments, remaining sober and attending all required counseling sessions.

This is not the first time that a sentence such as the above has been imposed on a father not taking care of his children. In December, a Racine County judge ordered a man who had fathered nine children to serve three years probation for not paying child support. That judge also ordered that he will refrain from fathering any more children until he could afford to take of the ones that he already has. The judge also said that he would have ordered him to be sterilized if it were in his power to do so.

If you need help securing an order for child support, an experienced Illinois family law attorney can assist you.

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