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Protecting Your Financial Stability in High Asset Divorce

 Posted on October 18, 2016 in Family Law

DuPage County divorce attorneysWhile it has been said that “money is the root of all evil,” there is really nothing wrong with wanting or needing financial stability. In fact, in this day and age, financial stability is absolutely crucial when it comes to protecting your overall health and wellness. So how do you ensure you get your fair share in high asset divorce? The following explains further.

A Battlefield or a Place of Compromise?

Sadly, the fight over money in divorce can (and sometimes does) turn court into a battlefield. Couples who once loved each other wage war and sometimes even engage in sneaky and underhanded tactics in order to keep their fair share. In these situations, it is critical that you have a legal representative who is willing to protect your rights – preferably one who is also experienced in handling high asset divorces and high conflict litigation proceedings. Yet this is not always a requirement. In fact, if you instinctively pursue the kind of attorney that starts out swinging, you could turn what might have been an amicable divorce into a highly contentious one. As such, it is important that you also seek an attorney who knows how to protect your interests in peaceable negotiations.

What it Means to Protect Your Interests

When an attorney is wholly committed to your best interests, they will take the time to listen to your concerns. They will answer your questions openly and honestly, and they will help you understand your options. A seasoned divorce lawyer also recognizes that you know your spouse better than probably anyone. As such, they will pursue the option that you feel is most appropriate for your situation (with a few exceptions, such as those involving domestic violence, which are discouraged from pursuing a mediation approach). Further, your attorney should make you feel at ease by showing you that they are educated, well-versed in the law, and competent enough to effectively represent you in your case.

First Steps to Preparing for Your Divorce

If you are planning on filing or divorce, or have recently been served, it is important that you take action now. Begin by gathering as much documentation as you can. You will need information on your assets, debts, and other liabilities. Make copies and store them in a safe place since, in some high asset divorces, this information “magically” disappears. Write a list of what you hope to see out of the divorce, including which assets you hope to keep and how much you might like to see out of the settlement. Lastly, make sure you find an attorney that you can trust.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we take a personalized approach to divorce because we recognize that each situation is unique. Backed by more than 200 years of combined experience and prepared to represent you in a way that preserves your rights and interests, we offer diversity, compassion, and experience to all of our clients. Schedule a free consultation with our DuPage County divorce attorneys and ask how we can assist with your divorce. Call us at 630-932-9100 today.

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