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Protecting Yourself from a Pedestrian Accident Injury in Illinois

 Posted on November 27, 2019 in Personal Injury

St. Charles pedestrian accident attorneyAt some point throughout the day, every person is a pedestrian. In urban areas, such as Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, walking can play a big role in how we get from place to place. Being a pedestrian can leave you in a rather vulnerable situation, however, because of the innate lack of protection from cars and other vehicles on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were nearly 6,000 pedestrians killed in traffic accidents in 2017. Though many pedestrian accidents are caused by negligent drivers, there are some things you can do to protect yourself while you are a pedestrian in Illinois.

Being a Proactive Pedestrian

At some point during the day, you are likely to be out of your vehicle and walking from one location to another. Although being a pedestrian victim of a car accident can happen to any person at any time, there are actions that can be taken to help avoid an injury. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe near roadways:

  • Always try to be predictable. It is important to always act with caution and utilize any safety options that may be provided, such as crosswalks. If there are no crosswalks available, wait until you are at an intersection to cross the street, since this is where drivers expect to see pedestrians.

  • Keep your eyes and ears open. As much as you hear about the importance of not driving while you are distracted, it is also imperative to pay attention to your surroundings while on foot. Using your cell phone not only takes your attention away from where you are walking, but it also distracts you from surrounding vehicles.

  • Do not make assumptions. Never assume that a vehicle sees you. If you are attempting to cross the street, try to make eye contact with drivers to ensure they are aware of your presence.

  • Do not walk while you are impaired. Being sober while you are walking is just as important as being sober when you are driving. Being a pedestrian under the influence of drugs or alcohol can increase your chances of being injured, since your judgment can be impaired.

A DuPage County Pedestrian Accident Attorney Can Review Your Case

When a car, truck, or other motor vehicle strikes a person who is on foot, serious injuries can result from the collision. If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, our skilled Bloomingdale, IL personal injury lawyers can help. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we have more than 200 years of combined personal injury experience, and we can work with you to hold a negligent driver responsible for the injuries you have suffered. Our firm operates on a contingency basis, which means that you will not pay us unless your case is won. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 630-932-9100.

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