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Public Opinion on Drunk Driving

 Posted on August 27, 2015 in Personal Injury

public-opinion-on-drunk-driving.jpgIt has long been known that drunk driving is a dangerous activity that can cause serious consequences, in both the legal aspect as well as in the personal lives of the individuals involved—particularly if this action contributes to a car accident. Those who choose to operate their vehicles while impaired can face criminal charges and a civil lawsuit if their actions lead to the injury of another or property damage.

Additional consequences can emerge depending on the circumstances, which can have financial effects as well as cause damage to the overall well-being of those involved. With all of these consequences in place, one may think that the incidence of drunk driving is nearly non-existent, but that cannot be farther from the truth. Drunk driving is an issue that almost every community across the country likely has to deal with in one aspect or another.

Shift in Perception

However, perhaps the circumstances surrounding impaired driving are not all negative. According to a recently published news article, new survey results released by the group Mother Against Drunk Driving (MADD) indicate that the fear of legal repercussions is not the reason most people choose a designated driver. Rather, they report doing so in order to keep themselves and others on the road safe.

Many were surprised at the findings, which they believe to indicate a change in cultural perceptions. Instead of only focusing on what can happen to offenders as part of a criminal prosecution or civil lawsuit, more people are presumably considering the serious consequences of their actions should they choose to drive impaired. These consequences can range from a crash to a fatality. Taking such risks is likely becoming less socially acceptable, and more people seem to be taking accountability regarding driving under the influence of alcohol.

Of those who participated in the survey, about 50 percent of adults age 21 and over reported having served as a designated driver in the last year. About 39 percent of respondents said they had been driven by a designated driver during the same time period. Despite this seeming change in attitude, as well as an overall decrease in alcohol-related crashes over the last decades, DUI-related fatalities continue to be a problem in the state of Illinois. This could be, in part, due to the fact that while motorists who drink may not be getting behind the wheel, there are drivers abusing illegal and prescription drugs who choose to operate a vehicle under the influence. When distracted driving such as texting is also factored in, experts become doubtful that roads in Illinois are actually any safer.

Illinois Accident Injury Attorney

If you or someone you know has been injured in a DUI-related accident, contact the DuPage County car accident attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your case. We have successful experience serving clients in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Kendall and Will Counties.

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