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Rear-Ended in Your Car? Legal Recourse From Negligent Drivers

 Posted on February 16, 2017 in Personal Injury

rear-ended-negligent-drivers-DuPage-County.jpgOne of the most traumatic life events is being involved in a car accident. Motor vehicle accidents take many forms, including the all too common fender bender and accidents involving excessive speed or impairment which can lead to high speed collisions or side impact accidents. Whichever type, car accidents can cause injuries and long term pain and suffering.

Rear-end accidents are no exception, and the injuries sustained by the impacted driver can be serious. The National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration reported that 28 percent of all crashes are rear-end collisions. This demonstrates how prevalent rear-end collisions are and how many negligent drivers share the roads with you.

If you were the victim of a rear-end collision caused by a driver who was not acting in a reasonable manner, you may be entitled to compensation—a monetary award for your injuries. Speaking with a respected personal injury attorney should be your first step in determining if you have a viable case.

Negligent Drivers

Negligent drivers breach their duty to drive in a safe manner. Moreover, the general observation by most is that the fault in a rear-end collision is often assigned to the driver who actually rear-ended the vehicle in front of him or her. Although there are exceptions, a personal injury attorney can explain the differences.

For those drivers who are clearly at fault for rear-ending another car, various factors that cause an accident exist. In today’s world, there are several possibilities. Examples of when drivers display negligent actions include the following:

  • Not following at a safe distance;
  • Driving aggressively or recklessly such as tailgating;
  • Not paying attention;
  • Using an electronic device like a cellphone and texting while driving;
  • Suffering from impairment due to drugs and/or alcohol;
  • Failing to drive at a reasonable speed as posted or relative to the road conditions; and
  • Not following the rules of the road.

If, through eyewitness accounts, damage assessments, police reports, and further investigation, it is established the car following behind you was indeed at fault, you may be able to recover for any injuries and damage you have sustained. It is very important to seek medical attention right away as injuries can reveal themselves to be more severe in the days following the initial impact.

Experienced Legal Help

The force of a car crash will determine the severity of injuries sustained. Injuries can include whiplash, soft tissue injuries, head, neck and back injuries, and damage to your knees, elbows, and ankles. The severity of your injuries may also be determined by you vehicle type as well as the type of vehicle that rear-ended you. If the “at fault” driver drove a larger vehicle than yours, your injuries may be more severe than if the situation was the other way around. Drivers and passengers in smaller vehicles can suffer more catastrophic injuries such as a traumatic brain injuries, which can be deadly.

Retaining a skilled DuPage County personal injury attorney who has the depth of experience in dealing with motor vehicle accidents is your best bet for potential success. Personal injury lawyers have the knowledge and investigative capabilities to present a case that is in your best interests. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, our attorneys can advise you every step of the way. The legal system can be overwhelming, and opposing attorneys and insurance companies can be ruthless. Therefore, a compassionate, professional legal team is advisable. With offices based throughout DuPage County, a free initial consultation is available for you to help you decide the next step. Contact us today.

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