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Reckless Homicide Charges For Hit-And-Run

 Posted on July 21, 2012 in Personal Injury

Reckless homicide charges were filed against Juan Bello, 57, who allegedly struck and killed a correctional officer, says a story in the chtribune. Bello was charged for leaving the scene of a fatal accident, in addition to reckless homicide. Bello was also driving on a revoked license, and he was cited for not yielding to a pedestrian among other things. Nikkii Bostic-Jones, 38, was about to begin her overnight shift at Cook County Jail when she was struck while crossing California Avenue on Wednesday, July 19. She was hit by a navy blue van, and the hit knocked her in front of a squad car. A van matching the description was found the following day, and police took Bello into custody. According to state records, Bello's driver's license was revoked back in 2010 when he was found guilty of driving under the influence. Court records show that Bello had been convicted of DUI in LaSalle County in 2002, and he also has received a speeding ticket in 2008 and a ticket for running a traffic light in 1999. After his first DUI conviction, he got his license back in 2003. Nikkii Bostic-Jones' husband said that he is angry and the fact that Bello was driving on a revoked license only makes the pain worse, because he is not supposed to be driving in the first place. He added that he is glad they caught the man, but he does not want to think about the accident at all. If you or a loved one has been hurt by a reckless or drunk driver, or you were involved in an accident and are in need of representation, make sure you get the help you need. Do not hesitate, but contact an experienced Chicago-area injury attorney today.
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