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Residents Protest Speed Limit on Local Illinois Street

 Posted on October 07, 2013 in Personal Injury

The residents of Northbrook say it is time to lower the speed limits on at least one popular local road. According to the chtribune, residents on Shermer, near Waukegan Road, are tired of trucks speeding through close to their homes. Close to 50 residents say that the speed limit needs to be dropped to 25 mph from 35 mph. In addition, they are requesting a sign be erected that states "no trucks allowed." Previously, another resident was able to get officials to put in signs warning "no turn on red when pedestrians are present." Although the road in question is less than one mile long, trucks and other speeding cars use it as a shortcut. After several failed single attempts to get the speed reduced, residents joined forces. The chtribune quoted one resident commenting that the street isn't a highway and the is overrun by trucks daily. It is not just about aesthetics that these residents are concerned about. Safety is the motivating factor. There have been car accidents and it was reported that one pedestrian accident involved a cyclist who was hit by a semi truck last summer. One resident stated that she is afraid to allow her son to wait for his school bus for fear of him being struck by vehicles that don't honor school bus regulations. Other residents are concerned about being able to back out of their driveways safely. Their concerns have been heard and according to Tribune, officials are looking into ways to make things better. However, residents are warned that it could take up to a year to see any changes. Accidents involving semi trucks and other larger vehicles can cause serious injuries on Illinois highways and residential roads. If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident involving a speeding vehicle, contact an experienced personal injury attorney at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices.
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