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How Do Illinois Family Courts View Morality Clauses?
Some family courts across the U.S. - like Texas - routinely place a morality clause in child custody agreements. The theory behind this is to provide stability for children of divorce at a time when their lives may be in upheaval. A morality clause prevents newly single parents from allowing a romantic interest to spend the night when the children are present.
A morality clause can also contain restrictions on alcohol, specific religious observances, and exposure to politics, although these are less common. Also known as a paramour clause, a morality clause can even forbid any guest of the opposite sex from being present during parenting time. A morality clause is meant to address the parent who is apprehensive about their ex-spouse exposing the children to new boyfriends/girlfriends that they may not know well.
The overnight guest morality clause often expires once a couple has been dating for a certain amount of time or is engaged or married. While morality clauses are not routine in Illinois, they are sometimes added to parental agreements like the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time. If your spouse is asking for a morality clause or you want one in your parenting documents, it can be helpful to speak to an experienced Bloomingdale, IL family law attorney.
What Impact Could Enhanced Visa Vetting Have on Employers?
The new administration recently signed an executive order that would enhance the screening and vetting of undocumented immigrants. The same executive order also suspends immigrant entries from countries of "particular concern" while re-establishing a baseline for vetting and screening that is consistent with those implemented during the 2016-2020 administration. Not only will these issues impact immigrants, but they will also impact employers of immigrants.
These are very uncertain times for immigrants who may have visas or green cards in the works, those with work visas, DACA recipients, individuals who may be targeted for removal (and their family members), or those who expect to come into the United States under asylum rules. If you have questions regarding your immigration status, it is important to speak to a knowledgeable Lombard immigration attorney.
Spring Break Injuries That Occur in Another State
Almost everyone loves spring, particularly after a long, cold winter. Many people will take vacations during March and April, usually when the kids are out of school on spring break. Some families will find themselves in family-oriented places like Disneyworld, Disneyland, or any of the hundreds of water parks and theme parks across the United States. College-age students could end up in full party mode at beach resorts.
Wherever spring break takes you, injuries that occur as a result of negligence are always a possibility. While being involved in a personal injury is never a welcome event, being involved in an accident while out of your home state can bring additional challenges. If you have an auto accident on your way to work, you are likely close to your insurance agent and have a favorite body shop. If you slip and fall in your local grocery store, you can usually get in to see your regular doctor to assess your injuries.
How Could DACA Rules Change in 2025?
Immigration issues seem to be in a constant state of flux, which is putting those who need visas or renewals on their paperwork on edge. On January 17, 2025, a decision regarding the DACA final rule was issued by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The rule stated that no new initial DACA requests will be processed at this time.
DACA renewal requests and the accompanying applications for employment authorization will continue to be accepted and processed. While this may change, current DACA grants and employment authorizations remain valid. The majority of DACA requests for renewal will be processed within 120 days, in the order they are received.
During 2023, the average processing time for DACA renewals was about a month. Despite this, DACA recipients are asked to submit renewals between four and five months before their expiration—but not more than 150 days before expiration. Speaking to a highly skilled Lombard, IL immigration attorney can be a good first step for those with questions about DACA.
Three Things You Should Never Say After an Auto Accident
Being involved in a car accident can be challenging, leaving you shaken, anxious, and potentially injured. Immediately following an accident, as you exchange information with the other driver, it can be tempting to say something reassuring or simply to fill the awkward silence. Further, your initial emotional impression of what caused the accident may or may not reflect the actual facts.
Apologizing after an accident is second nature for many people, but it can be a very bad idea that can have long-term repercussions. If you have been involved in an auto accident and are now dealing with an insurance company that does not want to pay you what your damages are worth, it is time to speak to a knowledgeable Lombard, IL personal injury lawyer.
What Should You Avoid Saying Following Your Automobile Accident?
Below are three things you should never say following a car accident:
The Importance of Creating a Workable Parenting Plan
Divorce is rarely easy, and when there are children, it tends to be even more difficult. Divorcing parents must – either separately or jointly – file a proposed parenting plan within 120 days after the petition for allocation of parental responsibilities is filed. Under 750 ILCS 5/602.10(f), proposed parenting plans must address 15 specific issues and can address additional issues. If either or both parents do not file a parenting plan with the court, a hearing will be held, and the court will allocate parental responsibilities.
The court may also require the parents to attend mediation. The court is only interested in whether a proposed parenting plan reflects the child’s best interests. Courts usually believe joint custody is in the child’s best interests when determining the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time. This means parenting time is divided, but not necessarily equally. Many parents who have joint custody have a 2-2-3 plan, which allows the child to be with the first parent for two days, the other parent for two days, then the first parent for three days.
Temporary Illinois H2A Petitions May Now Be Denied
Immigration laws in the U.S. seem to be constantly changing, making it difficult for those seeking citizenship, work permits, family-based visas, and more to know how to proceed. New H-2 regulations went into effect on January 17, 2025, giving USCIS the authority to deny H-2A petitions filed on or after that date.
The official line is that these new regulations "streamline" the approval process and "strengthen worker protections" by imposing new consequences on companies that violate labor laws or charge prohibited fees. Those who filed the H-2A petition through the mail will have the petition accepted if received prior to January 17th and rejected if received on or after January 17th.
United States employers who properly meet all the necessary requirements for bringing foreign nationals to the U.S. to fill temporary or seasonal jobs in the agriculture industry can do so under the H-2A program. A Form I-129 (Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker) must be filed on behalf of a prospective worker.
Does a Volatile Market Impact Asset Division in a Divorce?
Like many things in the United States right now, the stock market seems to be full of shocks and surprises on a daily basis. Financial gain in the stock market is never a given, but during a divorce, financial anxiety is already present, and a volatile stock market can increase that anxiety by leaps and bounds.
To come through your divorce with your financial security intact during a tumultuous stock market, you must be particularly strategic during the division of marital assets. This is also the time to have an experienced, highly skilled family law attorney from Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices by your side.
How Could the Market Affect the Division of a Marital Retirement Account?
Many working couples save for retirement by using IRAs or 401(k)s or by investing money in the stock market. A retirement account is known as a "qualified account." When funds are removed from an IRA, the money is taxed fully, and if you are under 59.5 years old, you could be hit with an additional 10 percent penalty.
Are Drowsy Driving Accidents Increasing in the U.S.?
The CDC reports that one in 25 adult drivers admit to falling asleep while driving, and many more admit to driving while they are sleep-deprived. It is estimated that as many as 6,400 people die each year in auto collisions that are caused by drowsy driving. In fact, the reaction time of drivers who are sleep-deprived is similar to those who drive while impaired.
A driver who has gone more than 20 hours without sleep is just as impaired as a driver with a BAC of 0.08 percent – the legal limit across the United States and Illinois. Many drivers may experience short, four to five-second periods of "micro-sleep" but do not think they are being unsafe drivers. Yet at typical highway speeds, a vehicle can travel the length of a football field during those four to five seconds.
What if the Truck Driver Who Hit You Was Not Properly Vetted?
According to the NHTSA, truck accidents made up 21 percent of all motor vehicle accidents in 2021 and were responsible for 13.4 percent of all auto accident deaths. These numbers are high when you consider that large semi-trucks only make up about 5 percent of the total number of registered vehicles.
The sheer size of a loaded semi-truck (about 80,000 pounds) virtually ensures that in a collision between a semi-truck and a 3,000-pound passenger vehicle, those in the passenger vehicle will suffer severe or fatal injuries. There are many causes of large truck accidents – including driver carelessness and distracted driving, improper loading, poor maintenance, fatigued driving, and impaired driving.
In some cases, the cause of a semi-truck accident can be traced back to the trucking company that hired the driver. Trucking companies can be held liable following an accident if their truck driver was not properly vetted. If you are the victim of a large truck accident caused by the negligence of the truck driver, speaking to a Bloomingdale, IL truck accident lawyer can be extremely beneficial.