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Rock-Hauling Trucks May Cause Accidents

 Posted on March 24, 2013 in Personal Injury

One anonymous Chicago man told CBS that his windshield was once cracked from a flying rock coming off the back of a truck. According to him, having trucks with uncovered peak loads isn't right: "I don't want anybody getting killed or a windshield really cracked and cause another major accident and people die," he said in this article. The article did not have a specific number of trucks that leave the Vulcan McCook Quarry on Naperville Road every day, but it did witness many of them leaving—including some with peak loads and no tarp covering them. Illinois law dictates that falling or escaping material, and some types of loads, must be covered with a tarp. The fine for disobeying this law can be as high as $500. The McCook Police Chief believes this rule should also apply to peak loads, especially since there is now a witness who was almost injured from debris. Although it is the driver's responsibility to put the tarp on, the anonymous driver believes bosses should be inspecting the trucks before they go on the road. CBS called a few Chicago-based trucking companies to see what their policies were regarding tarps and truck loads. One company stated all trucks should be covered by the drivers; one said if the material being transported does not blow or shift in the wind, it does not require a tarp; a spokesperson for the Vulcan McCook Quarry claimed they have truck inspections on site. The driver with the cracked windshield was given a new windshield by the trucking company, but you may not be so lucky in a similar circumstance. If you've been in an accident on the road—from falling stones or other dangerous conditions—you could be entitled to compensation. Speaking with a DuPage County accident attorney today can help you put together a successful case.
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