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Shaumburg Teen Remembered

 Posted on December 23, 2012 in Personal Injury

When you ask anyone about 18 year old Mikias Tibebu, you will hear that he was one of the greatest kids that you could ever know. According to The Chicago Sun Times, Tibebu met an untimely death at the hand of a hit and run accident. Tibetu was out with friends that night and had promised his father that he was going to get a ride back home that night. Authorities were called at 12:38 a.m. because he was found in the street and he was unresponsive at the time. Shaumburg police state that every effort was made to resuscitate the teen. However, those efforts were fruitless because he was ultimately pronounced dead at about 1:00 a.m. Classmates and teachers described him as being dedicated and hard working. He had a long list of academic honors and was also a member of the cross country and track teams. Police have not released any further details about the accident that took this young life. As of now there are no solid leads to lead them to the suspect. There is an ongoing investigation in the matter. If you or a family member are injured or experience a loss of life as a result of an auto accident, you may be able to claim some financial compensation. Many people believe that once the insurance company pays whatever is due from the accident, it is over. That is not true. An experienced Illinois auto accident attorney can see if there is a basis for a civil suit to be filed. If it is found that the offending party was negligent in the situation and this negligence was a direct cause for the injury or loss of life, you can be compensated. While a financial award will do nothing to make the pain of injury or a lost loved one go away, it can definitely help with other issues such as future medical care.
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