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Should I Get Back Surgery After My Car Accident?

 Posted on May 15, 2013 in Personal Injury

After a car accident, many victims begin to experience severe chronic pain in the weeks and months after their initial injuries have occurred. Sometimes there are triggers for this pain, but other times it can just be an adjustment to a new way of life with constant injuries. Medication and physical therapy might be able to help reduce the pain or provide techniques for reducing the overall symptoms, but some patients consider surgery if the pain is simply too great following a car accident. There are several different types of back surgery. A laminectomy, for example, takes bone out from on top of the spinal canal and is used for cases of spinal stenosis. A diskectomy, on the other hand, takes out part of a herniated disc to cut down on inflammation. Artificial disk surgery can also be used to treat cases where back pain is coming from an area where two discs are colliding or where discs have been injured from an accident. Choose your specialist carefully to determine whether this is the best option for you. Surgery can be a viable option for some patients, but not all. The Mayo Clinic offers guidelines about scenarios when a patient should be evaluated for back surgery. If any of the following situations apply to your case with back pain, it's worth speaking with your physician.
  • Back pain from herniated discs
  • Back pain due to broken bones along the spinal column
  • Back pain that continues after other treatment avenues have been pursued without success
If you're experiencing back pain or other trauma in the aftermath of your auto accident, you need a licensed attorney to talk to you about your rights and your case. Don't hesitate, since state limitation statutes only allow claim filings in a particular time period.
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