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Should You File a Personal Injury Claim for Your Injury?

 Posted on August 18, 2016 in Personal Injury

Lombard personal injury attorneyAt the receiving end of an accident, there is always a victim—a person whose life has been altered; a family that is struggling to pay their bills because of unpaid medical bills and lost time at work; someone who is stressed and injured and unsure of how to put the pieces back together. But there is help available. A personal injury claim could help you and your family move forward. The following information can help you determine if you may be eligible.

Auto Accident Claims

Drivers carry insurance to protect themselves, should an accident happen. If one happens to you or someone you love, you should immediately file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance. However, it is important to understand that, in Illinois, compensation payouts are based upon fault. Insurance companies will use this to their full advantage by shifting as much blame as they can over to you, ultimately reducing their payout. If they cannot shift blame, then they will attempt to reduce their payout by minimizing your losses and injuries.

An experienced auto accident attorney can investigate your claim and protect your interest to ensure that you are not placed at more fault than you actually are. Furthermore, a lawyer can make sure that all of your losses are considered in your settlement, such as long-term consequences of your injuries, inability to perform your job, and all of your medical bills.

Premises Liability

Business owners, government agencies, construction companies, and even homeowners are obligated to maintain a reasonably safe environment. If they fail to meet that obligation and someone is injured in the process, then they become at risk for a premises liability lawsuit. Anytime you are injured on the property of another person, at a place of business, or in a construction zone, you should consult an attorney to determine if you have a case. You should also keep in mind that, often, premises liability accidents are handled by insurance adjusters. Just like with auto accident claims, the injuries you suffered could be minimized to reduce the payout.

Dog Bite Injuries

Dog bite injuries are different than auto accident injuries and premises liability injuries because they are not typically filed with insurance companies. Instead, victims usually file a claim against the owner of the animal. This can be especially an especially complex process, especially if there is any evidence that could suggest the victim was “unlawfully” trespassing on private property when the injury occurred. An attorney can help defend your rights and pursue the most favorable outcome possible for your situation.

With more than 200 years of combined experience, the team at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices has the knowledge and resources needed to aggressively seek the compensation you and your loved ones deserve. We thoroughly investigate your situation, ensure all aspects of your situation are considered, and fight hard to protect your rights. To schedule your free initial consultation, contact our experienced DuPage County personal injury lawyers today. Call us at 630-932-9100.





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