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Why Your Slip and Fall May be More Dangerous than You Think

 Posted on October 16, 2015 in Personal Injury

DuPage County personal injury attorney, slip and fallMost people have experienced a minor slip and fall while out at a shopping mall or other store. Besides a little embarrassment, injuries are often minor and people are able walk away without any issues. However, every year thousands of people are seriously injured in slip and fall accidents, causing large medical bills and forcing them to miss work.

When a Slip and Fall is Serious

Almost anyone who slips in a public place will want to try and get up as quickly as possible because they are embarrassed. Still, a simple slip, even for a healthy adult, can cause torn ligaments, twisted ankles, or even fractured bones. Sometimes you may not be able to get up without help after a fall.

Medical costs may include surgery, physical therapy, and prescriptions for painkillers. These expenses can bankrupt a person if he or she does not have adequate medical insurance. Once you factor in the costs of having to miss work because of the injuries, you could end up in a big financial hole.

Moreover, some injuries may never completely heal, and can leave you to deal with the effects of the accident for the rest of your life.

When You May Have an Injury Claim

Under Illinois law, you may have the right to recover damages for injuries you suffered because of the negligence of someone else. However, you have to prove four factors to successfully win a negligence case at trial:

  1. The store or mall owed you a duty;
  2. They breached that duty;
  3. Their breach of duty caused your injury; and
  4. You suffered damages.

If you slipped because of a poorly maintained floor or because a spill was not properly cleaned up, you may have a legal claim against the store or mall where you were injured. You may also have a right to be compensated for your pain and suffering.

Personal injury law is complicated and often stores make it difficult for you to file an injury claim to obtain any compensation. Once you have taken care of your immediate medical needs you should speak with a personal injury lawyer before talking to anyone else about your accident.

If you have been injured at a mall or store, please consult with a skilled and knowledgeable DuPage County personal injury attorney immediately to discuss your rights and possible claims. Call the attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today to schedule your free consultation at 630-932-9100.



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