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Slips, Falls and Elderly Victims

 Posted on July 21, 2016 in Personal Injury

Slips, Falls and Elderly VictimsAs we age, bone density, muscular strength, mobility and our general health can deteriorate. While some are fortunate to maintain their strength and agility, many do not. This does not mean that we should be any less forgiving when someone slips and falls on the sidewalk, in a mall, or another business premises.

Slips and falls can cause serious injuries and are among the most common causes of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits.

These injuries can take a long time to heal. If you slipped and fell because a business owner failed to make a safe environment to walk on, you may have a legal case and you may be entitled to monetary compensation for your injuries. A personal injury attorney can help determine if you have a case.

Leading Causes of Slips and Falls

About 20,400 people died from falls at home in 2014, and the vast majority of them were over the age of 65.

Many factors can contribute to slips and falls. Some exist within the home, but some present themselves at common locations such as public places of business.

Some issues can be attributed to a lack of common sense, such as clutter, poor design, and layout but others are more egregious and due to a complete disregard for the safety of patrons. In this circumstance, you need legal representation to aid you in your recovery and to send a strong message to the business owner that safety of their patrons should always remain a top priority.

Examples of negligent building maintenance can include:

  • Carpet not properly secured to the floor
  • Poor/inadequate lighting
  • Electrical cords that are not properly stowed away
  • Spilled liquids/products
  • Goods placed at almost unattainably high shelves
  • Delayed snow and ice removal
  • Absence of non-skid surfaces, especially on stairs
  • Unstable surfaces

The injuries

A TBI is a common outcome from a serious slip and fall. This would involve costly medical treatment and could leave lingering effects detrimental to your overall quality of life going forward. Hip fractures are also a likely outcome as are leg, arm, neck and back injuries. For the elderly, these injuries can take longer to heal and full function may never be restored. An older person who falls and hits their head should see their doctor right away to make sure they don’t have a brain injury. If they are taking medicines such as blood thinners, a TBI could be deadly.

Compassionate Legal Counsel

If you’re a senior citizen and have slipped or fallen and suffered a serious injury, it is important that you contact a personal injury attorney who can review your case and service your needs for deserved compensation. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, our experienced DuPage County personal injury attorneys are skilled at recovering damages for pain and suffering, medical expenses, and loss of wages. Please call us today at 630-932-9100 to schedule your free initial consultation.

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