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Speed Kills in Illinois Car Accidents

 Posted on February 22, 2017 in Personal Injury

Illinois-car-accidents-speeding-DuPage-County.jpgIn 2015, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 998 deaths attributable to car accidents in Illinois. Of those, 369 fatalities were related to speeding. This means that one out of every three fatal traffic accidents is caused by speeding.

Speed Limits in Illinois

Unless otherwise posted, the speed limits in Illinois are:

  • 65 mph for interstate tollways, freeways, and some four-lane highways;
  • 55 mph for most other highways and rural areas;
  • 30 mph for city/town areas;
  • 15 mph for alleys; and
  • 20 mph for school zones.

Additionally, some rural highways have a speed limit of 70 mph.

Why Does it Matter if Speeding Caused My Accident?

In every accident, the person who filed the lawsuit must prove fault. One way to prove fault is to determine if one of the cars involved broke any traffic laws at the time of the accident. Your case will be much easier to prove if you have evidence that the party accused of fault was speeding.

How Can I Determine if My Accident Was Caused by Speeding?

Often times, a police report will indicate if the officer believes speeding was a factor. If your accident involved a speeding 18-wheeler equipped with a black box, such information will be recorded. Also, witnesses to the accident may be able to testify as to whether or not a car was speeding.

In most cases, you will need to consult with an accident reconstruction expert. This expert will review the damage done to the vehicles and look at the scene of the wreck. Skid marks—or a lack thereof—on the road are often used in accident reconstruction. Using this information, the expert will be able to determine the approximate speeds that the vehicles were traveling.

Contact a Lombard, IL Car Accident Lawyer

Car accident cases caused by speeding create some of the most severe accidents that can result in death. These are the types of cases where a lawyer’s skill and experience can make a huge difference in the amount of compensation you receive. In addition, if the case goes to trial, you will need to prove certain facts that may only be provable with the help of an expert witness. An Illinois car accident lawyer will be able to secure the testimony of the experts needed. Contact the DuPage County car accident attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices for a free consultation by calling 630-932-9100.

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