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Speeding Poses a Risk to Illinois Drivers Despite Quarantine

Speeding Poses a Risk to Illinois Drivers Despite Quarantine

 Posted on June 25, 2020 in Personal Injury

Lombard, IL car accident attorney speeding

The roads in Illinois -- especially those closer to larger cities such as Chicago - are rarely empty. They are usually teeming with cars full of people trying to get to work, school, appointments, and everywhere else. Lately, however, the roads have been much less crowded -- and noticeably so. This was to be expected because of the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the country. Illinois issued a stay-at-home order in mid-March that prohibited non-essential travel and work, which greatly cut down on vehicles on the road. Despite the drop in traffic, the number of speeding tickets and speeding-related accidents has increased greatly. An Illinois car accident injury lawyer can assist you with pursuing compensation if you are injured in a vehicle crash caused by speeding.

Traffic Fatalities Increase in Illinois

Most people know that speed is one of the factors that can increase the severity of a car accident. Typically, the faster the speed you are traveling at when you get into the accident, the more severe the damages are. A speed-related car accident can cause serious injuries to yourself and your passengers, including broken bones, spinal cord damage, brain damage, and even death in some instances.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), the number of miles driven in the first four months of 2020 is down 14 percent from the number of miles that were driven in the first four months of 2019. However, despite the 3 percent nationwide decrease in motor vehicle deaths, the state of Illinois has actually seen an increase in deaths. Between the first four months of 2019 and 2020, the number of motor vehicle deaths rose by 11 percent in Illinois.

Police Report Increase in Speeding Tickets, Crashes

Even though the roads are emptier than they have been in years, the city of Chicago has reported that there was a 14 percent increase in speeding tickets generated by automated cameras in the city. The Illinois State Police (ISP) also reported that the number of crashes that involved personal injuries has also been higher than normal. Crashes involving personal injuries accounted for 18 percent of all crashes in Cook County in April 2020, when just last year personal injury crashes only accounted for 11 percent of total crashes in Cook County in the same time period. ISP could not confirm that the personal injury crashes were definitely related to speeding, but there is speculation by law enforcement, statisticians, and safety organizations alike that suspect speeding is playing a strong role in the increase.

Contact a Naperville Personal Injury Attorney

Speed limits exist for the protection of everyone who is on the road. If you have been in an automobile accident with a driver who was speeding, you may be entitled to monetary compensation for your injuries. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, our qualified attorneys are compassionate and sensitive to your needs, whatever they may be. Our skilled DuPage County car accident injury lawyers offer free initial consultations at a place that is convenient for you. To schedule your free consultation, call us today at 630-932-9100.

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