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What to Do If You Believe Your Spouse Is Spying on You

 Posted on June 22, 2018 in Family Law

Illinois divorce lawyerYou have the right to privacy. If you are going through a divorce and suspect you have no privacy because your soon to be ex is spying on you, there are ways you can stop this behavior. Regardless of whether you are trying to hide something or not, a spying partner can cause complex issues in a divorce.

Why Does Spying Occur?

There are a variety of reasons your soon to be ex may spy on you. If they believe you are cheating on them, they will likely snoop. Your soon to be ex may also spy in order to find out how you spend your time, who you associate with, and how you are spending money.

Most of the time, spying occurs to gather evidence that can be used against a spouse in court. If your spouse finds information that could hurt your case and reveals it at court but hides the evidence, they may significantly hinder your case.

Ways to Protect Yourself from Spying

If you believe your soon to be ex spouse is spying on you, you should take action right away in order to protect your privacy and divorce. Store or lock away any private documents at a loved one’s house where you know your spouse will not be able to access them. You should also change all of your passwords so that your soon to be ex cannot login to your email, bank account, and other places with confidential information.

When it comes to social media, you should refrain from posting anything during your divorce. If you are constantly posting pictures and status updates, your soon to be ex can use this information to keep track of your life and build a case against you in your divorce. It is important to keep in mind that even if you are not connected to your soon to be ex on social media, they may still access your accounts from mutual friends.

Speak to a Divorce Attorney

As soon as you have any concerns of your soon to be ex partner spying on you, speak to your divorce attorney. They can inform you of your rights and support you throughout your divorce to ensure spying behavior does not take a toll on your case and future.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

If you have reason to believe your soon to be ex is spying, you should reach out to our highly skilled DuPage County divorce lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We will educate you on what is legal, what is not, and how you can protect yourself.



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