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State Trooper Killed During Traffic Stop on I-55

 Posted on December 17, 2012 in Personal Injury

The Illinois State Police are asking motorists to use caution when around vehicles crashes and stopped vehicles. These officials claim that pedestrian related accidents account for almost 15 percent of car-crash deaths. There was an accident recently that devastated a whole community in Illinois. State Trooper Kyle Deatherage made a routine traffic stop at the 62 mile mark of I-55. The accident happened just after 9 am on November 26th on the northbound lanes. He was hit by an oncoming tractor trailer and died instantly from the impact. It is unknown at this time whether the truck driver will face criminal charges. Kyle was a state trooper since 2009 and leaves behind his wife and two small children. The Deatherage Family released the following statement through Captain Scott Compton after the services. "Our lives will be forever changed as we remember the great husband, father, brother, son, and friend that Kyle was. However we would like everyone to recognize the vital and dangerous role that officers play in keeping us safe. We ask that as we use our roadways, please practice safe driving and be aware of our emergency safety workers." Last year, traffic fatalities dropped to the lowest level since 1949, according to federal safety officials. While traffic fatalities are at all-time lows, there are certain things that can improve the safety of roadways like exercising caution around stopped vehicles. If you or a family member were injured by another person's failure to drive safely, you could be entitled to monetary compensation. Contact a skilled personal injury attorney in Naperville today to discuss your possible case.
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