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Four Strategies for Maintaining a Child-Centered Divorce

 Posted on September 27, 2017 in Family Law

DuPage County divorce lawyersDivorce has always been a potentially damaging process – especially for children. However, things have started to shift in family law over the last several years. More families are working together to ensure the health, happiness, and well-being of their children, even while they are going through the painful process of divorce. Known as the “child-centered divorce,” this phenomenon has even prompted some interesting trends, such as birds nest parenting and post-divorce selfies. If you would like to learn more about keeping your child at the center of your divorce, the following strategies can help.

Consider Your Timing Carefully

While there are situations that may dictate when you start the divorce process (i.e. domestic violence, etc.), most couples have the power to choose when they will begin. For those that have children, the timing should be considered carefully. Parents are encouraged to avoid divorce around the holidays and birthdays, during major family events, or when significant change is expected to occur. For example, if the child is about to start preschool, it may not be the best time to file. Instead, parents may wish to wait until their child has adjusted to their new school schedule to ensure they are ready and able to deal with the divorce.

Staying Under One Roof for the Child

Parents who believe that they can continue living together amicably may want to consider a birds nest divorce. This living arrangement is one in which the children stay in the family home and the parents rotate in and out. It is not the right option for every family, but those that have done it often report that their child adjusted better during the divorce process. Much of this may be attributed to the fact that little in their lives change at first. Instead, it changes slowly, over time, as they and the parents feel ready. Just make sure you hire an attorney while developing this type of parenting plan, as nesting families tend to have unique needs.

Keep Your Child Out of the Middle of the Divorce

Putting your child in the middle of the divorce is the opposite of a child-centered divorce. It is doing things like arguing with your spouse in front of your child, saying negative things about your spouse around your child, talking to them about the details of your divorce, and being negative when they return home from a visit with the other parent. Remember, the goal here is not to make your child pick sides or play favorites. It is to ensure that your child adjusts well after the separation of their family – and not just now, but on into adulthood.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we feel that children should always be the priority in divorce. Dedicated and experienced, our DuPage County divorce lawyers work hard to ensure their needs and best interests are protected, every step of the way. We even offer mediation services to assist you through an amicable divorce. Learn more about how we can assist with your case by scheduling a free and personalized consultation. Call our offices at 630-932-9100.

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