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Supermarket Spills

 Posted on June 24, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County personal injury attorney, supermarket spillsWeekly trips to the grocery store are a common routine for many individuals. For those who like to purchase fresh produce, or pick up ingredients for a last minute dinner plan, trips to the store can occur frequently. Moreover, fighting traffic, encountering distracted drivers, and attempting to find a parking spot can turn into a mission, or even an accident. Yet, what if the real danger lurked inside the actual store?

Stores Taking Stock of Their Premises

According to the U.S. Department of Labour’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration, slips, trips, and falls account for 15 percent of all accidental deaths, and these accidents are second only to motor vehicles as a cause of fatalities.

Grocery and retail store owners often neglect basic cautionary steps to keep their premises safe, yet any business that invites the public onto its premises is obligated to take certain steps to keep customers protected from harmful situations.

One common reason why accidents occur is when spilt produce and/or liquid is left on the floor of a grocery store aisle. Customers who are injured due to slipping and falling from a spill left in an aisle may have a valid, legal claim against the business.

Examples of shopper injury causes include:

  • Slipping on a piece of mushed fruit;
  • Liquid detergent spills;
  • The leaking of a refrigerator or freezer into an aisle;
  • Melted snow and/or ice left in the store entryway; and
  • A spilt drink left by another customer.

The National Floor Safety Institute reports that 5 percent of all slip and fall accidents result in a bone fracture. The likelihood of both falling and sustaining an injury from a fall increases with age. Moreover, slip and fall injuries can result in a sprain or strain, broken bones, back injuries, paralysis, or even traumatic brain injury.

For people who are over the age of 65, 87 percent of fractures are a result of falling, and falling is the second leading cause of both spinal cord and brain injury in this age category. Therefore, retail establishments are encouraged to implement safety practices to help reduce and/or eliminate the incidence rate of slips and falls.

Speak to a Compassionate Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Today

When you are recovering from an injury, your priority is to get better and be back on your feet. Unfortunately, the recovery process is not always easy and getting back to your original self is not always possible. Additionally, medical treatments and costs can make the recovery process much more difficult.

In the case of a slip and fall accident at the market, it is possible that the store may be considered negligent, especially if the premises was not property maintained and hazardous conditions were ignored. Therefore, if you or a family member has slipped and fell due to a hazardous condition which was unmarked at your market, a condition that should have been known to the store, your first call after seeking medical attention should be to a skilled DuPage County personal injury attorney. Contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today to schedule your free initial consultation.





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