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Take Care to Avoid Halloween Accidents

 Posted on October 31, 2012 in Personal Injury

Halloween is the one time of year when even those people who are normally conservative in their dress pull out costumes and temporarily assume an unfamiliar persona. From witches to ghosts to storybook characters, you can count on seeing a wide array of costumes on Halloween night. However, traditional Halloween activities such as trick-or-treating often take place during dark evening hours, which always pose a heightened risk of slip-and-fall accidents, as well as car accidents involving accidents. According to a recent chtribune article, parents should first and foremost ensure that children's costumes do not pose a hazard to those who are wearing them. Capes and other costumes should not be tied around a child's neck so as to prevent choking. Rather than blocking a child's vision with a mask, a better choice might be to use makeup, temporary tattoos, hats, or hair dye to accessorize a costume. Plus, avoiding costumes that are overly long or baggy can help prevent the risk of tripping and falling, a risk that is already increased by uneven sidewalks and a potential lack of lighting for pedestrians. This article also points out that since Halloween activities usually occur at night, ensuring that your children are visible is essential to their safety. Reflective tape often can be added to costumes in order to make them glow without taking away from their designs. Children also can carry glow sticks, wear glow necklaces and bracelets, or carry flashlights in order to remain visible to drivers at night. By taking these simple steps, parents can help protect their children from unnecessary pedestrian accidents while still allowing them to fully participate in trick-or-treating and other Halloween activities. If, however, an unexpected accident does occur due to the negligence of another and injury to you or a loved one results, your personal injury attorneys are here to help. Contact our office today for your free consultation and discover what options you may have.
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