Teen Driving Accidents: Causes & Prevention
Teen Driving Accidents: Causes & Prevention
Now that the school year has ended, many teens will likely participate in celebrations centered around graduations and summer vacation. These celebratory events often mean fun times with friends, but can unfortunately turn bad in an instant. It is important to note that teens with initial driver's licenses are required to abide by certain state laws in order to be in compliance with certain restrictions placed on such licenses. In addition, parental involvement and the supervision of others in positions of authority go a long way in monitoring teen's behavior and ensuring their safety.
Common Causes of Teen Driving Accidents
While it is true that any number of factors can lead to an accident, teens are generally more at risk of being involved in a crash than the average adult. They are obviously more inexperienced behind the wheel, but often teens choose to partake in other activities while driving that put them at a greater risk of having an accident. Such activities include cell phone use while driving, other forms of distracted driving, having too many passengers in the car, speeding, and drinking and driving, just to name a few.
Not only are many of these activities irresponsible to participate in while behind the wheel, they are also illegal and could even result in criminal charges in some cases. For example, it is now illegal to use any handheld electronic device while operating a vehicle in the state of Illinois. In addition, and perhaps more obviously, an underage person commits a crime if they drive after drinking any amount of alcohol, even if it is under the legal limit for adults. Beyond legal consequences, some teens who make poor decisions while driving a car are forced to live with that decision for the rest of their lives, particularly if a crash results in the death or serious injury of one of their passengers or friends.
Parental Involvement
It is important for teens to be educated about the dangers of distracted driving and other forms of irresponsible driving long before they ever get behind the wheel. Often, schools participate by offering classes and programs centered around driver safety and programs around prom season that discourage students from drinking and driving. In addition, parents can ensure their teens appreciate the risks associated with such behavior by talking to them about the privilege of driving and setting rules and boundaries that reflect the seriousness of the task.
Accident and Injury Attorney
The attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices have successful experience representing numerous car accident victims. If you have been involved in an accident and are wondering whether you have a claim, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We will listen to the facts of your matter and advise you of your rights. We serve clients in Naperville and the greater surrounding area.