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Teen with Brain Injury Inspires Community

 Posted on February 08, 2013 in Personal Injury

A couple of weeks prior to Labor Day, and the start of most schools, sports start in anticipation of the new school year with practices, meals and lifting sessions. Expectations of a stellar season make it easy to get going on a hot, summer August day to head over to sweat, work and play hard. August 18, 2012, was such a day for a West Chicago teen, riding his bike to St. Francis High School's football season opener. Alex Novak, 15, was hit by a van at an intersection and was immediately sent to the hospital. He suffered serious brain injury that put him in a six week coma. The damage has caused an axonal damage to the brain which interrupts the pathways to his brain. Even to this day, Alex is taking 20 medications, has a tracheal tube, wears a vest that vibrates to help him cough and non-stop monitoring for respiratory infections. Alex is just one of those kids who shines and draws others to him – not because of popularity, but rather, for his athleticism, good deeds and service to others. Though the insurance is covering the 24 hour care he needs, his family has much more to cover such as a chair lift to get to the different levels of the home and a van equipped for wheelchairs, to name a few. Other students and community members want to help; the St. Francis High School is seeking what the family needs and finding ways to raise funds to assist them. Brain injury due to an accident is a serious, life changing injury. You need to be covered by insurance and compensated properly by the one who has caused the injury. Seek an attorney who knows how to fight for your rights and knows first-hand the injury and car accident laws in the DuPage area.
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