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The Alarming Increase in Drunk Driving Accidents During Halloween

 Posted on October 20, 2023 in Personal Injury

Naperville Car Accident AttorneyHalloween, a holiday celebrated with ghoulish delight and playful mischief, brings forth a dark and sobering statistic that sends shivers down the spines of safety advocates and law enforcement officials alike: an alarming increase in drunk driving accidents. As the streets fill with revelers in scary costumes, the combination of alcohol-fueled parties and spooky festivities becomes a deadly mix. Anyone injured in a crash involving a drunk driver should contact an Illinois personal injury lawyer to find out what legal recourse they may have.

Spike in DUI Crashes

Halloween, traditionally a time for trick-or-treating and costume parties, has evolved into an occasion for adults to indulge in alcohol-infused revelry. This shift in celebration dynamics has contributed significantly to the rise in drunk driving accidents during this holiday. Costume parties, haunted house tours, and bar crawls have become commonplace, leading many to overindulge in alcohol without considering the dire consequences of getting behind the wheel. More than 40 percent of fatal crashes that take place during Halloween involve drunk drivers.

According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), statistics show that during a four-year period, 126 people were killed in drunk driving crashes on Halloween night.

The deadliest time of day on Halloween is at night, especially for children who are out trick-or-treating. In fact, per NHTSA’s data, the rate of impairment for drunk drivers who were involved in fatal accidents was more than triple at night than the drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes during the day.

Consequences of DUI Accidents

The consequences of drunk driving accidents are felt on multiple levels. Those injured in DUI accidents often suffer life-changing injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and broken bones. These physical injuries can lead to long-term disabilities and chronic pain, altering the course of a person's life forever. They also often experience emotional trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, which can be just as debilitating as their physical injuries.

In cases where drunk driving accidents result in fatalities, the impact extends to families and communities. Grief and loss are immeasurable, leaving families shattered and communities mourning. The void left by the loss of a loved one is one that can never be fully filled, and the ripple effects of such tragedies are felt for generations.

Contact a DuPage County Car Accident Injury for Legal Help

If you have been injured in a drunk driving crash, contact a Lombard, IL DUI accident attorney to find out what type of legal options may be available. Call Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.

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