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The Amicable Divorce: Splitting Up Without Tearing Each Other Apart

 Posted on September 27, 2016 in Family Law

DuPage-County family law attorneyWhen couples start to think about divorce, they often fear that it will be this horrible, contentious battle. They worry that both they and their spouse will be emotionally, financially, or mentally devastated (if not all of the above) by the end of it all. True, divorce is an emotionally difficult process with a lot of legal and financial complexities, but there are many couples who are able to divorce amicably. In fact, there are even some spouses who walk away as friends. If you know that divorce is the path that is right for your marriage, but you would like to do so without tearing one another apart, the following information may help.

Why an Amicable Split?

There are many reasons that a couple may wish to part ways in a peaceful manner. Some may simply want to preserve the happy memories of their marriage, or they may be dead-set on not hurting the spouse that they still very much care about but no longer wish to be married to. Others may wish to split amicably because they do not want their children to be caught in the middle of a war zone. They want future family get-togethers and an environment where their children feel safe and loved, despite the ending of the marriage. Whatever your reason, the key to moving forward peaceably is to keep it in the forefront of your mind whenever things get stressful. Because they undoubtedly will.

Bumpy Roads and Hiccups Common in Divorce

No matter how determined you are to settle the divorce peacefully, there will likely be a moment that you feel your blood pressure rising. Maybe it is the day that he or she is supposed to pick up the children from school but ends up calling you from work, stuck, when you already had plans. Or maybe it is in the checkout line at the grocery store when your debit card no longer works because, somewhere along the way, lines got crossed and you are now out of joint funds. These moments are common in divorce, and they can quickly turn an amicable divorce into a contentious one.

Communication and Patience Are Key

While you may not be able to prevent all of the hiccups in your divorce, you can reduce the risk and prevalence with effective communication. When issues do arise, try to be patient – with your spouse, and with yourself. Remember that you are both human, and that mistakes happen. If the issue is really big and you feel like you just cannot be understanding, try to breathe and focus on the reason you are trying to resolve things peacefully. If you still cannot get a handle on your emotions, try reaching out to your support circle for a venting session. Above all, try and avoid taking any action or speaking to your spouse until you have had the chance to calm down. Words cannot be taken back once they are uttered, and there are some actions that cannot be undone – especially in divorce.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Attorneys

Whether you are planning on pursuing an uncontested divorce, mediation, negotiation, or some other form of alternative dispute resolution for your amicable divorce, our DuPage County divorce lawyers are here to help. Backed by more than 40 years of experience and dedicated to the best interests of your family, we will work with you to develop a settlement plan and parenting plan that can hopefully satisfy all parties. If things do happen to become more complex, we will protect your rights throughout the process. Call Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices at 630-932-9100 and schedule your free consultation to learn more.



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