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The Challenges of Co-Parenting After Relocation

 Posted on November 09, 2018 in Family Law

IL family lawyerIf you and your spouse have gone through the divorce process, but are still willing to raise your child together, you will be undertaking the responsibilities of co-parenting. Co-parenting has both parents share the parenting duties of the child even after the divorce and comes with its own challenges. The parents will need to create a parenting plan. After a divorce, some people feel a need to relocate and get a fresh start in life. If you feel the need to relocate and are co-parenting your child, it will create challenges. It is important to recognize them and prepare for them before you make the decision to move.

The Distance

Obviously, the first factor that needs to be taken into account is how far away you are planning on relocating, and the different situations that will arise if you are the custodial parent or the non-custodial parent. The custodial parent is the person with whom the child spends the majority of their time. Due to the amazing technology available today, it is easier than ever to be present in someone’s life without being physically near them. However, being farther away is still going to mean that the non-custodial parent will have less overall time to spend with their child and it will be harder to negotiate how the child spends their time.

The Effect on the Child

Stability and routine after divorce are key for children. Their lives have already been in constant upheaval since they learned of the divorce. Now that the divorce is finally over, it is best to go back to as much stability as possible. If one parent decides to move that prolongs the period of instability in their life, which may have a negative effect on their recovery after the divorce. They may also develop resentment or anger towards one parent or the other for being so far away.

Co-parenting over long distance requires a large amount of flexibility and creative thinking. It may not always be the best solution to get a fresh start by moving far away from your ex. Moving a shorter distance away may make the adjustment period easier for both you and the child.

Contact Our Knowledgeable Lombard Divorce Attorneys

If you need assistance with your divorce case, contact our skilled DuPage County divorce lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. The lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices will work with you to pursue the resolution you prefer. Contact us for a free initial consultation today.



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