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The Dangers of ATVs

 Posted on June 03, 2014 in Personal Injury

During the spring and summer season, many individuals in the Chicago area and throughout the state of Illinois will seek to enjoy the outdoors in different ways. The use of all terrain vehicles (ATVs) and other recreational vehicles will undoubtedly be on the rise in the coming months. This increased use will unfortunately, yet likely, lead to more accidents and resulting injuries involving ATVs and their drivers.

It is important to highlight the dangers and concerns associated with the operation of these vehicles, since accidents involving ATVs too often result in serious and traumatic injury and even death.


While many people enjoy driving ATVs, which may include jet skis, three- and four-wheelers, and dirt bikes, the vehicles can pose a danger to drivers and their riders who are at risk of serious injury in the event of an accident. Particular dangers can include the vehicle flipping or rolling over during an accident due to operator error or improper maintenance, or hitting a hole or unexpected object on the road or path on which the vehicle is driving. If a driver or rider fails to wear safety equipment, such as a helmet, any potential injury will likely be significantly worse than it otherwise would have been.

Likewise, accidents may also be caused by operating the ATV in a negligent manner, including operating it while under the influence. Additional dangers that may contribute to the incidence of ATV accidents include improper driver training in the operation of the ATV, and also lack of supervision in the case that minors operate the vehicle.

Safety Measures

Owners and drivers of ATVs can take steps to ensure their own and their riders' safety when operating the recreational vehicles. Proper and timely maintenance of an ATV can significantly improve safety by keeping the vehicle in good operating condition as well as providing the owner or driver with advance notice of any defective condition or necessary repair.

It is also wise for the driver to maintain the land on which the ATV will be operated, if possible, or be familiar with the land where the vehicle will be driven in order to be aware of any dangers or areas to avoid while driving the ATV.

Of course, it is also advisable for any drivers or riders of ATVs to wear proper safety gear, including helmets, gloves, and elbow pads. Individuals should never operate an ATV while drunk or under the influence of a controlled substance. Drivers should submit to proper and available training programs regarding driving an ATV before operation. Lastly, parents should always be responsible and prudent and supervise minor children on a recreational vehicle to ensure their safety.

Accident and Injury Attorney

It is a sad fact that many ATV accidents cause serious injuries, like brain injuries, and even deaths, each year. If you or someone you know has been injured in an ATV accident, you could have important rights according to the law. The experienced attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can listen to the facts of your case and inform you of any options you may have. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We serve clients in Chicago, Lombard, Bloomingdale and Naperville.

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