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The Importance of Self-Care in Divorce

 Posted on August 22, 2022 in Family Law

DuPage County divorce attorneyGoing through a divorce can be emotionally challenging. Divorce can cause a number of personal difficulties. You may have to move out of the home you have shared with your spouse for a long time and adjust to a new place. Your children may be relying on you heavily for emotional support as they also attempt to adjust to a new way of family life.

Many people will face some degree of financial hardship, which can be intensely stressful. If you did not work outside the home for pay while you were married, you might even be struggling with trying to rejoin the workforce. It is important that you take care of yourself during this time as well. While your lawyer tackles the legal issues, you should be addressing your personal emotional needs.

Tips for Self-Care While Your Divorce is Pending

Divorce can send you on an emotional roller coaster. You will need to take extra care of your mental health, as it is very easy to become depressed or anxious during this time. Some tips for self-care during divorce include:

  • Claim your space - Whether you are now alone in the marital home or have moved into a new place, making your space your own can give you a nice mental boost. Decorate your space in a way that makes you happy, whatever that means for you. Put up all your old football memorabilia that your ex made you keep in the basement. Do whatever makes you feel at home.
  • Enjoy “me time” - Even if you are a parent, it is important to enjoy some time to yourself. Being alone and doing a relaxing activity, like watching movies or taking a long bath can help you feel calm despite everything going on. An evening to yourself can refresh you so that you are ready for the next step in your divorce.
  • Seek counseling - Professional help can go a long way toward protecting your mental health during a divorce. Especially if your marriage was particularly difficult, processing what happened with the help of a therapist can help you feel confident about starting your new life.
  • Take a break - When you are spending time with your family and friends, you may want to put a moratorium on talking about your divorce. It can be very refreshing to attend a social event without any talk of your ex.

When you are taking care of your own emotional needs, your divorce may feel much less daunting.

Call a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer

Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can take charge of handling the legal issues in your divorce so you can spend more time focusing on yourself. Our experienced Bloomingdale divorce lawyers will fight for you to receive a fair final divorce decree that leaves you in a good position. Contact us at 630-932-9100.

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