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Three Signs You Are Staying Married for the Wrong Reasons

 Posted on March 02, 2022 in Family Law

Lombard divorce attorneyIf every marriage fell apart at the first sign of trouble, the divorce average divorce rate would be closer to 100 percent than to 50 percent. Staying married is notoriously difficult, even under the best circumstances, and committed couples often experience frustrations that are common in marriage. However, there comes a point in many marriages where one or both spouses need to ask themselves whether they are staying in a marriage for the wrong reasons. If you are married and are unsure about the future, here are three signs you may want to consider divorce.

You Are No Longer Trying to Improve the Marriage

Marriage takes constant work, communication, and reaffirmation of the commitments spouses made to each other on their wedding day. When a marriage has stagnated to the point where neither spouse is interested in trying to figure out how to make it better, but are instead both simply going along to get along, the marriage may have broken down beyond repair.

You Are Afraid of Being Alone

The fear of loneliness is a natural evolutionary response to the dangers of isolation. While marriage may be hard and even lonely, the prospect of being by yourself can seem even worse. Yet the uncertainty you may feel about life after divorce is often more of a phantom than a real indicator of what things could be like. You might feel lonely and depressed. But you might also feel relieved, excited, and ready to seek a partner with whom you are more compatible.

Your Children Are Keeping You Together

Many couples lose their love for each other while still loving their children dearly. Staying married while the children are young may be a natural and appropriate response to the fears of a divorce’s destabilizing effects on children. Yet a bad marriage can affect children as well, sometimes in worse ways than a mutual agreement to get divorced. Two divorced parents who are committed to co-parenting fairly can provide children with a loving, stable environment, whereas two parents locked in constant conflict can expose children to damaging psychological harm.

Talk to a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer

While the experienced Lombard divorce attorneys with Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices cannot help you decide whether to get divorced, they can give you an overview of the divorce process and make sure you have an advocate by your side every step of the way. To schedule a free consultation with someone on our skilled team of friendly lawyers, call us today at 630-932-9100 .



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