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Three Things You Should Never Say After an Auto Accident

 Posted on February 21, 2025 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerBeing involved in a car accident can be challenging, leaving you shaken, anxious, and potentially injured. Immediately following an accident, as you exchange information with the other driver, it can be tempting to say something reassuring or simply to fill the awkward silence. Further, your initial emotional impression of what caused the accident may or may not reflect the actual facts.

Apologizing after an accident is second nature for many people, but it can be a very bad idea that can have long-term repercussions. If you have been involved in an auto accident and are now dealing with an insurance company that does not want to pay you what your damages are worth, it is time to speak to a knowledgeable Lombard, IL personal injury lawyer.

What Should You Avoid Saying Following Your Automobile Accident?

Below are three things you should never say following a car accident:

"I’m Sorry"

While you may be saying that you are sorry the accident happened at all, saying "I’m sorry" to others involved in the accident could significantly impact a future claim. There are many components involved in an auto accident, including the weather, road conditions, and the other driver’s actions. You may not be aware of some of these components, so accepting blame will only hurt a future claim and may not be accurate.

Instead of saying, "I’m sorry," ask, "Are you okay?" or "Is anyone injured?" Call the police so you will have a police report for the insurance company and wait until the officer arrives. You may be asked questions by the police officer. Tell the truth as simply as possible and with no exaggeration. If you are unsure about the answer to a question, say, "I don’t know," and leave it at that.

"I’m Fine"

When you are involved in an auto accident, your body is flooded with adrenaline, which can mask symptoms of injury. This is why so many people think they are fine at the scene of the accident only to find hours or even days later that they are far from "fine." If the person who caused the accident hears you say you are fine or hears you refuse medical attention, your chances of recovering compensation for your injuries go down significantly.

If the other driver asks how you are, simply say you are unsure and that you will seek medical attention for any potential injuries. Whiplash and other soft tissue injuries are not obvious following a car accident, then once you are home, you begin feeling the pain of the injury. To ensure your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering are fully covered, hold off saying whether you are injured until you actually know for sure.

"I Didn’t See the Light/Stop Sign/Car"

This is not the time to discuss fault because you may or may not have all the facts. Exchange information with the other driver and wait for the police to arrive. Do not discuss what happened. If you admit you did not see the other driver or a traffic light or stop sign, you are admitting fault, which can change the outcome of a personal injury claim.

Tell the police only what you absolutely know to be true, then leave the investigation of the accident to them. It could turn out that a slick road, a flaw in the design of the road, the other driver’s negligence, or poor maintenance of the road could have played a part in your accident.

Contact a DuPage County, IL Auto Accident Lawyer

Following an auto accident, you need a strong advocate in your corner who will help prove liability, carefully calculate what your injuries are worth, and negotiate or litigate a full, fair settlement that fully covers all your damages.

When you choose a Naperville, IL auto accident attorney from Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, you have taken an important first step. We have three offices in Lombard, Bloomingdale, and Naperville for your convenience, and we provide Saturday and evening appointments. Call 630-932-9100 for a free case evaluation.

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